Ryan's Pov

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Ryan Pov
Well it's been a week since me and August's kiss. I didn't pull him off. I actually enjoyed it a little. I knew deep down in my heart that I shouldn't have. But things happen and we have to keep moving.

After the kiss August left without saying anything. He kissed Ava goodbye and told me he'll catch up with me later... I told Jay about the kiss. It didn't bother him much. I guess because I told him it only lasted a few seconds. He asked me did I feel anything and I said no of course. I'm trying to move forward with him ,not back.

Anyway, we are in New Mexico. We're leaving later tonight after my show around 1 a.m. We where at rehearsal for tonight when Jay walked in. He walked over to me and gave me a hug.

Jay- Wussup everyone.

Everyone- Hey Jay.

Jay gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Jay- What you been up to?

Me- Practicing that's all.What about you.

Jay- I just left a meeting.

Me- About?

Jay- Nothing major. Just talking about the basketball team.

Me-Oh really? When can I go to another game. *Smiles*

Jay- You like the games.

Jay smiled down at me.

Me- I love the games. *Smiles*

Jay- *Chuckles* You can come to the Thursday one.

Me- Where is it?


Me-Maybe I can bring August-GCO.

Jay- No.

Me-Nieces out.

I gave Jay a dumb look when he realized I wasn't talking about August.

Jay-*Chuckles* Them. Of course. But how will he feel bout that.

Me- I don't care how he feel. He can't tell them 'No' at all. It's always a 'Yea'. And I know they'll want to come with me.

Jay- Do your magic. *Smiles*

I laughed. I stopped when I realize I was in the air.

Me-Woah! *Giggles* Please don't drop me.

I held onto Jay's arms.

Jay- I got you.

I dangled my feet.

Me-*Giggles* I'm taller.

I licked out my tongue. Jay just laughed.

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