Lena feels tears welling up in her eyes. She blinks them back, fortunately. They have done way too much crying as of late. She shakily leans forward to close the miniscule gap between their lips. When she pulls back, she whispers a quiet, "Thank you."

"And if it makes a difference, I- I think I've decided to take Kelly up on her offer. Get connected to a colleague of hers."

"Darling, I don't want you to feel pressured if you aren't ready."

Kara gently cuts her off, "I'm not. I don't feel pressured. I want to be better. I- I don't ever want to have those reactions with a partner."

Lena breaks eye contact and bites her lips. She starts to tremble as she thinks about their first night together. She doesn't want to bring it up; she really doesn't. But... they made a promise to each other, and they were both just reminded of how devastating it is to not voice their concerns. She takes a deep, steading breath, summoning all the courage she can to ask. "S-so... that first night that we... that we spent together... did- did I- were you just as upset when I thought that you were... them?"

Kara's eyes widen. Her hands can't stay still as she is quick to reassure, "No, no, no, no. Lena, not at all. It was a reaction, just like mine. And I know you felt awful when you were able to come back. That's how I felt about the flinch. I don't want to ruin anything with you. You engaged in therapy to try to deal with the trauma. It's the same for me. I want to try to figure out how to keep Mike behind me. Not let him dictate my life any longer."

Lena sniffles as she nods. Logically, she understands what Kara is telling her, but emotionally, she just can't sort through it the same way. That will take time and probably a few sessions with Kelly. Right now, she is just grateful that she is here with Kara. She focuses on the positives. Kara doesn't think they are moving too fast. She wants to stay with Lena. They are both going to get the professional help they need. Lena just needs to be patient.

"Do you believe me?"

The level of vulnerability in such few words snaps Lena out of her thoughts. "Yes. I believe you, Kara."

Kara lets out a sigh of relief. She still has one more question for Lena, which she is scared of the answer. "Do- When you mean we are going too fast, do you want me to... to keep my own place?"

Lena's eyes go so soft, and she has a sad smile. "My offer still stands, but I completely understand if you want to keep some space for yourself."

"No," Kara surges forward to kiss the woman again. "No, I want to move in with you."

They can't stop taking turns in kissing one another. Their hands wander more or less innocently, taking physical reassurance from each other. Neither really know how long they stay in bed, but Kara's stomach does the interrupting.

"I suppose we should get you fed. And text Sammy and your sister that we are alive," Lena groans as she buries her head in Kara's shoulder.

Kara's stomach growls again. "Yeah, we probably should."

Neither makes a move to do what they are saying. It's at least a few minutes before Lena kisses Kara's exposed shoulder and slides out of the bed. "I'll see what you have on hand."


"Speak of the devils. Lena just texted me. They are finally up and moving. They want to do dinner tonight, and barring any emergencies at LCorp, I have the day off. Even though half the day is already gone."

Alex squeezes Sam's hand. "Good thing there haven't been any emergencies."

Sam smirks as she responds to the message. "Well, if I get in trouble with the big boss lady, I'll just tell her that I was distracted with promises of long and fast rides."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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