Chapter 18

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Lena shakily dials Alex as she rushes from her office. She yells to Jess over her shoulder to have her driver out front as quickly as possible. She can feel adrenaline coursing through her veins. Her hand trembles as she pushes the button in the elevator to take her to the lobby. She taps her foot impatiently waiting for Alex to answer her damn phone. The ringing is grating against her ear. She lets out a huff when she gets Alex's voicemail.

"Alex! I'm on my way. What's going on? What happened? Is Kara alright? Are you? Call me back, please."

Lena walks as fast as she can in her heels to the car waiting out front. She instructs the driver to take her to National City General. She's already got the Chief of Staff on the line demanding the best possible treatment for the employees hurt in the lab accident on her tab. She can hardly sit still in the back of the car, leaning this way and that to see if they are any closer. Before the driver can even put it in park, Lena is out the door and running into the hospital.
She stops at the nurses station asking about the victims of the lab accident, demanding to know where they are located in the hospital. She finds out that they haven't been admitted yet. She rushes into the Emergency Department looking for any sign of Alex.


"Alex! Oh my gosh, are you alright?"

Alex is laid up on a hospital bed getting her arm wrapped. Lena quickly comes to her side. "I'm fine. I'm fine. But Kara, she got the brunt of the blast. They have her in the OR. These nurses won't let me use my phone, and no one is giving me updates."

"I'll see what I can find out. Just sit tight. Did you contact Sam? Eliza?"

"Yes. I promised them both updates, but they took my phone."

"I'll take care of this." Lena moves to the main desk at the front of the Emergency Department. She finds a nurse who looks like she is in charge.

"Excuse me. I'm looking for an update on a patient in the OR: Kara Danvers?"

"Are you family?"

"Well, no, but her sister is in the ER right now, and someone confiscated her phone."

"No phone use allowed in the ER. No exceptions. Alex can get an update on the patient, but unfortunately we cannot give you that update."

"Fine, just send someone to Alex Danvers in the ER for the update." Satisfied that the nurse will send someone, Lena returns to Alex's side. She casually slips her phone to the redhead. "Don't get caught. Text Sam and Eliza. They will be coming over here with an update. They couldn't give it to me since I'm not family."

"Thank you, Lena." Alex squeezes the CEO's hand and hides the phone in her lap to send a message off to Sam and Eliza explaining her lack of response.

The two women wait anxiously. Finally, a doctor comes by to check on Alex. The doc quickly signs her release and tells her to follow up if the pain gets worse or if she develops a fever. He unfortunately couldn't provide an update on Kara, but directed them to the waiting room. They barely sat down when someone in scrubs came in asking for the family of Kara Danvers. Alex and Lena stand up quickly.
"She unfortunately was hit pretty hard in the explosion. She got all the debris out of her wounds, but it is going to take quite a bit of time to recover. We will have to watch for a concussion since she came in unconscious. You can go in to see her. We will know more once she wakes up."

Lena and Alex thank him profusely before making their way to Kara's room. They both freeze at the sight. The blonde hair is darker, skin paler, and body frailer. She is battered and bruised. Both women have tears in their eyes. They each hold onto a limp hand gently, looking Kara over.

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