Chapter 33

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"Lena. Lena!" Kara's voice slowly gets more frantic. The woman is trembling in her arms and isn't coming out of it like she normally does. She holds Lena's face in her hands and blue eyes dart back and forth, trying to will Lena's eyes to actually see her. The next thing she knows, she is being sprayed with sand as Sam slides down on her knees to wrap her arms around her best friend.

"Come on, babe. Come back. You're safe. You're here with us, and you're safe," Sam whispers.

Kara and Sam make eye contact, both with worry in their eyes. The blonde looks up to her sister who is hovering to the side.

"What happened?" Alex asks gently.

"We were- I- I just asked her to go swimming with me," Kara trips over her own words. She's seen Lena's flashbacks before, but she has never been the cause of one. "Oh my god... I- I didn't think..."

"Kara, stop," Sam says firmly. "She needs you right now. You need to stay calm right now."

"But- but- her mom," Kara whispers.

Sam shoots her a death glare. "I mean it. Stop right now. Help me with Lee."

Kara snaps her jaw shut and does her best to slow down her panicked breaths. Between Sam and Alex, they roll Lena off of Kara's lap to lay down in the shade. Kara is quick to hold up Lena's upper body as she slides herself under the woman again. She crosses her arms over Lena's shoulders and rocks rhythmically as she whispers reassurances in the ravenette's ear. Sam is by Lena's feet and rubs her hands up and down her friend's legs to ground her further. Alex stands by to ensure no one approaches them. She only has to wave off a couple runners from becoming involved.

"Come back to us, Lee. We are right here with you. You're safe."

Slowly, the woman's trembling tapers until it eventually halts. Lena is very slow to come back around to the present, and when she does, it looks like all the energy was just zapped from her. She looks like she hasn't slept in ages. She looks absolutely exhausted.

"Hey, babe. There you are," Sam smiles gently.

"Sam?" Lena croaks.

"That's right, honey. It's Sam. I'm right here."

"Where's- where's Kara?" Lena starts to crane her neck to look around her best friend to see if Kara is in the ocean. Her breath picks up again at the thought of the blonde out in the crashing waves.

"I'm here, Lee. I'm right here," Kara is quick to say. She hugs Lena tightly from behind.

Lena twists just to verify with her own eyes that her girlfriend is still safe and sound on the beach. Her jaw trembles and she squeezes her eyes shut to try to keep the tears in. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Hey, you don't need to apologize for anything. I should be the one apologizing. I- I'm so sorry. I- I didn't think-"

Lena just shakes her head and turns in Kara's arms to tackle her in a bear hug. "You did nothing wrong, Kar."

Sam stands up and brushes the sand off her knees. She quickly grabs a couple water bottles and tosses them by the couple. "Make sure she drinks that. You, too. We'll make ourselves scarce and give you a moment."

Sam grabs Alex's arm and pulls her further down the beach. Alex is quick to wrap her arm around Sam who is trying valiantly to hold herself together until they are a safe distance away.

"I'm such a mess," Lena mutters under her breath. Since her face is right next to Kara's, she hears everything.

"No, you aren't, Lena. You are human. You have been through so much, and it's only natural for it to wear on you. I'm just glad you are okay now." Kara's hands wander all over pale skin, trying to comfort but also just to be reassured that Lena really is okay. "Now, how about we get some water in you?"

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