Chapter 7

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The next morning, Kara wakes up on the couch with Alex's feet digging into her back. She groans as she gets up to start the coffee maker for them both, trying to let her sister sleep a bit longer. She sighs heavily. Sure, she slept, but it wasn't restful. She keeps running through the events with Lena. She desperately wants to understand what she did wrong. She knew that Lena was skittish, a bit hot and cold, but Kara couldn't understand exactly what happened. She felt like Lena really cared for her, too. Lena obviously trusted her enough to call in the middle of a panic attack, to tell her about Max and Morgan, and to allow her to stay with her the following days. Lena admitted that she trusted her. She pours over every detail, trying to figure out exactly where she had broken Lena's trust.

She is pulled out of her thoughts when she hears Alex stirring in the living room. She knows that her sister has more questions, ones she isn't ready to answer. Even with the hurt and confusion, she can't betray Lena's trust. And too much of the story has to deal with Lena's story. She pours two mugs and moves back to the living room.

"Thanks," Alex grumbles. Kara nods her head in lieu of responding. After Alex takes a few sips, she's finally awake enough to ask "So, do you want to talk more about this?"

"There are some things I can't tell you."

"What does that mean?"

"Some of it is not mine to tell. I- I can't betray Lena's trust like that... and I- I just can't figure out what I did wrong."

"Hey, hey. From what you told me, she is the one with the problem, not you."

"Alex, no-"

Alex immediately interrupts, "No, you listen to me now. It sounds like you did everything right. You answered her questions honestly, and I know you. You did everything you could to help her. This sounds like something she needs to fix herself, Kara. No matter what you think you did wrong, this is more complicated than that."

Kara feels like she is about to cry. Alex takes her into a tight hug. Realistically, she knows it's only been a couple of days of spending time with Lena, but Kara feels this loss down to her bones. Lena was not just some stranger.


Across the city, Lena wakes up to Sam making them coffee. They do some online shopping to soothe themselves and to personalize the penthouse. Sam is sure to keep the conversation light, letting Lena take the lead. Lena may be a genius, but she is always at a loss on how to handle her emotions. The Luthors always told her that emotions are for the weak; they are to be suppressed. After everything in Metropolis, maybe she should abandon that thinking. Clearly, they were wrong about several things.

Right in the middle of Sam talking about Ruby's latest crush, Lena interrupts, "I need to go to therapy, Sammy. Something is wrong with me."
Sam immediately switched gears without a moment's hesitation, "Nothing is wrong with you, sweetie. Therapy would be a great place to start for you to realize that." Sam offers a warm smile. "I know the perfect person. I've heard nothing but good things about her. Do you want to make an appointment right now?"

"I- Yes. And thank you, Sam. I don't know what I would do without you," Lena says quietly.

As Sam makes the appointment for Lena, she pushes her luck. "So your appointment is the first thing on Monday. She will come here to protect you from the media. Now that we have that settled, what are you going to do about Kara?"
Lena's face blanches. "Sh-she's not going to want to talk to me - not after I fled like that. She's better off without me right now."

"Lee. I'm going to repeat what I said yesterday: she deserves to decide for herself. Ultimately, I think you should give her a chance. When was the last time you let someone in like this? She must be something special."

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