Chapter 26

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The moment they get back to the hired car Lena had waiting for them, Kara is ordering the driver to take them to a fun bar that is open mid-day. The driver looks at Lena questioningly through the rearview mirror. Lena just nods slightly before telling him to take them to Al's bar. Alex and Lena look at each other cautiously. Kara is exuding a strange energy. Lena can feel her excitement, exhaustion, relief, and... something else. Alex looks just as lost as to what is going on inside her sister.

Once they arrive at the bar, they realize that there are only a couple other people present. It really shouldn't be surprising since it is midday on a Monday in a dive bar. Kara storms up to the bar and orders them all drinks while Alex and Lena move to a booth at her insistence. They whisper quickly while the blonde is out of earshot. They lean into the table top on their elbows, huddled together.

"Should we really be letting her drink right now?" Alex whispers.

Lena shrugs. "While I have plenty of experience in courts, I have no idea on how to help her process. I drank myself into oblivion after each trial with Lex and Lillian."
Alex's face falls momentarily. She hesitates for just a moment. "How are you doing with this?"

Lena looks visibly shocked. She blinks quickly a few times, desperately trying to keep the tears back. "L-let's just focus on Kara. Th-this is about her, not me."
Alex holds Lena's hand in her own, comfortingly. Her eyebrows pinch in concern. "Lena, you are allowed to have emotions about this, too."

"Not right now, I'm not." Lena leans back and steals her face back into CEO mode. She stuffs her feelings down even though she knows that Kelly would not approve. To Lena, it is the lesser of two evils. She can't address and deal with her emotions right now without totally melting down. And Lena cannot melt down right now. Not while Kara needs her.

Kara comes back and puts three beers down heavily onto the table. She's completely oblivious to the turmoil surrounding the table. She plops into the spot next to her girlfriend and holds up her beer to make a toast. It takes a couple moments for the other women to catch up, but they hold up a glass too.

Kara says rather cheerily, "To being free."

They all clink their glasses together. While Alex and Lena take a respectful drink, Kara chugs hers down in one go. Alex's eyes flit between Kara and Lena. Lena's eyes go wide for a split second. When Kara slams the empty glass down, Lena cautiously reaches out to wipe away some of the foam and liquid from the corner of Kara's mouth. The blonde just smiles softly at her in response.

None of them particularly know what to say, but Lena breaks the silence. Softly, she asks, "How are you feeling, darling?"

Kara looks between her girlfriend and her sister. Alex is calmly sipping her beer, trying to seem like she isn't overly eager to hear her response. Kara looks back to Lena. Those forest green eyes look concerned and curious. She watches those dark eyebrows twitch, trying not to pinch together. She takes a deep breath, her eyes unfocusing a bit.

"I'm okay. I think I'm okay. I'm relieved, and drained, and happy. I can relax for the next two years. I don't have to be afraid that he is lurking in the corners or going to hurt any of you. It feels like it's over. I know it isn't, but at least it is for a while."

When Kara refocuses on Lena, she does notice the slightly stiff posture that wasn't there just a few moments ago. Those eyes turned remorseful, worried, and maybe even frightened. Just as Kara opens her mouth to call it out, Alex's phone goes off. Lena uses the opportunity to stare at her beer and hold it with both hands. Alex rushes to answer the phone - so much so, she doesn't even look to see who is calling. She knows that it just interrupted a moment, but she is grateful for it.

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