Chapter 11

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Kara holds the door open for Alex with her suit blazer hung over one shoulder. She has rolled up the sleeves to her elbows with a few of the buttons undone. The blonde's biceps are straining the fabric of the shirt with the vest accentuating her waist and bust. The pants hug her muscular thighs and waist perfectly. The whole ensemble is completed with 3 inch ruby red heels. Her hair is in loose curls with very light makeup. Lena isn't sure she will be able to focus on anything other than the blonde in that outfit.

Alex walks out with her dress that hugs her chest and hips. With each step, the slit reveals her toned leg. The plum purple heels make her legs and butt look magnificent. Her makeup was completely on point and her red hair straightened. Sam is stuck wondering if she is even wearing any underwear with how tight the dress is.

Once the CEO and CFO are able to collect themselves, they both climb out of the back of the car, smirks plastered to their faces. Kara literally stops in her tracks while Alex rolls her ankle as she misses a step. Lena looks downright ravishing. She is in a blood red strapless dress that hugs her like a second skin. Her lips are a brighter shade that matches the dress perfectly. She had straightened her hair to fall past her pale shoulders. Sam walks around the car in a deep purple, two piece suit and black button up. She lightly curled her long hair and went with a natural look with the makeup.

"Good thing our babygirls clean up well," Sam says loud enough for the sisters to hear. "I was worried for a bit."

This pulls the sisters' attention back to the moment. They snap their mouths shut, wipe away the drool, and clear their throats. Lena and Sam look effortlessly classy, while Alex and Kara were clearly out of their depth.

"Sam, leave them be. I think they are traumatized enough for the time being," Lena scolds lightly.

"Fine," Sam whines. "Let's get going."

Sam helps Alex into the back of the car as Kara helps Lena. With the back two rows facing each other, the women are able to chat comfortably on the way to the restaurant.

"How did you know our measurements?" Alex looks at Lena.

Lena scoffs. "I'm a literal genius. I have to be able to eyeball measurements when in the lab all the time. It's not that difficult with practice."

"I do have to say, Lee. Your taste is still impeccable," Sam says while not so subtly eyeing Alex up and down. Alex of course blushes at the attention.

"Don't act so surprised, Sammy." Lena rakes her eyes across Kara. "You know that I have an eye for art."

Alex and Kara are fidgeting and squirming in their seats. Neither of them are quite used to the attention they are getting - especially from women that they consider to be out of their league. Alex tries to clear her throat and recovers quickly.

"Sam, you look - gorgeous."

"Why thank you, babygirl." Sam winks at her playfully to send her spiraling again.

Kara quickly gathers herself mentally. "Thank you so much for renting these clothes for us, Lee. These have to cost more than we make in a month."

Lena makes eye contact with Sam briefly in a quick nonverbal conversation. "Darling, we didn't rent those. They are yours to keep."

Alex and Kara both drop their jaws comically. They both start talking over each other.

"Lee, you can't spend that much-"

"There is not way we are keeping-"

Sam rolls her eyes as Lena holds out her hand to get them to stop. "They are gifts. And you will keep them. No arguments."

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