Chapter 14

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Lena smiles to herself when she gets Kara's text to come over. She rather quickly wraps up at L-Corp and runs home. She packs an overnight bag, changes into more comfortable clothes for the evening, and decides at the last minute to take a bottle of wine from her stash. Lena is catching onto how frequently she usually lets self-doubt run her life. She is identifying it more readily and squashing it faster and faster each time. She starts doubting herself with Kara as she ascends the stairs to get to the blonde's loft. She thinks that maybe she is eating up too much of her time. They haven't even spent a night apart. Lena notices the thought pattern and replaces it with the fact that Kara invited her. Kara would let her know if it is a problem.

By the time she is in front of Kara's door, she is smiling brightly again, so thankful that Sam convinced her to go to therapy. Lena lightly knocks before just trying the doorknob. It opens easily, and Lena practically drools at the aromas of whatever Kara is cooking.

"Hey, Kara! I just let myself in. Whatever you are making smells delicious, darling!" As she approaches the kitchen area, she holds up the bottle of wine to show that she didn't come empty handed. She freezes the moment that she picks up on the tension in the space. She sees Kara skid to a halt in front of her, blocking a proper view of the man that is in her apartment. Lena goes onto her tiptoes to look over Kara's shoulder. She doesn't miss the fact that Kara is completely tense and her hands are in tight fists at her side. Lena quickly shifts into CEO mode with her resting bitch face and straightened spine. Whoever this guy is, he isn't a friend. She walks up closer to the blonde and stands a step behind, but by her side. She reaches her free hand out to grasp onto Kara's.

Lena clocks the guy tracking her movements and stares at their interlaced hands. "Got yourself a replacement, huh? Switched teams, too?"

"Don't. Get out of my home. You know you aren't welcome here," Kara's voice is steady and firm.

"Well, if I recall, you said to come on in," the man smirks. It puts Lena on edge. There is something about him that screams red flags.

"Clearly, I didn't know it was you. Leave or I will call the police. I still have my order for protection out on you." Lena's eyes snap to the blonde in concern. She goes as far to step in front of Kara and whips out her phone.

"You don't want to do that, sweet cheeks."

"Don't even speak to her." Kara pulls Lena behind her again.

"Or what?" The man grins at the blonde before turning his attention back to Lena. "I don't think we were introduced. Excuse Kara's rudeness. You must be, Lee."

"Leave now, and I won't inform the cops," Kara says through clenched teeth.

The man moves deeper into the kitchen. "Aren't you going to invite me to join for dinner? I thought I taught you better manners."

"You are not welcome here."

While the man is distracted by looking at what Kara was cooking, Lena sneakily dials 911 and holds the phone out of sight. She turns down the speaker volume and hopes the dispatcher listens before disconnecting the call.

"You seem to know my name, but I don't know yours. How do you know Kara Danvers?" Lena interrupts their stare down. She squeezes Kara's hand, hopeful that she gets the message to trust her.

"Oh, Kar and I used to date until she went off the deep end, and I decided to break it off."

Lena can feel the blonde's rage at the statement. She is quick to reply to keep Kara from saying something that escalates the situation. "Oh, well very nice to meet you. Was she living here at the National City Commons when you two were together?"

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