Chapter 35

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Kara is the first to wake up after the long and much needed nap. Unsurprisingly, it's only because of her stomach complaining of the lack of food in her belly. She finds herself pinned under her girlfriend who is lightly snoring right into her collarbone. She can't resist scratching at the nape of Lena's neck, playing with the little wisps of hair that escaped her bun. Kara smiles to herself, feeling complete for the first time in a long time. She realizes that she should get up and scrounge around the kitchen to maybe make a meal for everyone after they awaken. She stifles a sigh before she starts to work her way out from underneath the CEO. Right as she thinks she is home free, green eyes slowly blink their way open.
"Where goin'?" Lena sleepily mumbles.

Kara leans down from her seated position to kiss the top of Lena's head. "Kitchen. Go back to sleep. You need it."

The CEO lets out a yawn before she sits up in bed, rubbing her eyes. "I'll come with you."

"Baby, I'm okay. You can get some more rest."

"I- I know," Lena says just a little bit too quietly.

"What's the matter?" Kara says with her crinkle on display.

Lena's eyes drop to her lap, and she fiddles with her nails. She shrugs a shoulder in response. Kara wordlessly studies the tense woman before holding out her hand for Lena to take. As soon as that delicate hand grasps hers, she guides Lena out of bed and out to the kitchen. Kara smiles to herself; sleepy Lena may be a serious contender to dressed to kill Lena. The blonde politely pulls out a barstool for her girlfriend before turning to open up the pantry to dig around for ingredients.

"Do you want some coffee?" Lena asks quietly.

Kara checks the time. It's much later than they intended. She debates internally for a split moment before answering. "Yeah, I'd love a cup. Thanks."

Lena pads over to her coffee maker and silently starts the brewing process. She takes small glances over at her girlfriend, attempting to be discreet.

"Do I have something on me?" Kara interrupts the CEO's train of thought.

Lena's eyes widen in surprise. "N-no. You don't."

"Well, you are always welcome to look at me. A picture may last longer, but I like feeling your eyes on me."


Kara's smile brightens. "What's on your mind, Lee?"

"I just- I didn't want to be alone right now."

The blonde puts everything down and moves over to the ravenette. She wraps her up in a giant, bear hug. "You'll never have to be alone if you don't want to. I'll be here for as much or little as you want."

"Move in with me?" Lena rushes out, under her breath.

Kara backs up suddenly, just to lay eyes on Lena's face, just to make sure she heard correctly.

"Sorry. That's way too fast. You don't need to answer." Lena tries to pull away and go back to the coffee maker, but her girlfriend doesn't let her.

"Lee, wait. Just.. wait, give me a moment. Please?"

Lena refuses to look her in the eyes. She stays put just as Kara's hands demand, but every muscle is clenched as if she is about to bolt.

"Lee? Can you look at me please?" Kara asks softly. When she doesn't get a response, the blonde drops down to her knees so she can look up into those gorgeous green eyes. She hugs Lena around the waist as she props her chin up on Lena's stomach. "Of course I'll move in with you. We practically live together already. I haven't told you this yet but... I've already started thinking of this as our home. So, yes. I'd love to live with you, Lee. Can you please stop crying?"

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