Chapter 34

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The ride back to Lena's place goes way too quick for all four women. They are all drained from their time in the sun and the emotional toll of the day. Alex and Kara pull everything out of the saddle bags as Lena and Sam take everyone's helmets. The four women are slow to wander into the elevator, none of them talking. The soft ding of the elevator makes Sam jump just a little bit after dozing slightly against Alex.

"Maybe we should all take a nap?" Lena suggests softly as she looks at the exhausted expressions all around.

Sam just hums. Kara nods. Alex just mumbles quietly, "I could go for a nap."

"Take the guest bedroom," Lena points as she wanders to the kitchen. She takes some bottles of water from the fridge as tosses two towards Alex. "And everyone drink up. Alex, there's some spare clothes in the dresser that I think you left behind."

Lena holds two bottles in one hand and holds out her free one towards her girlfriend. Kara shuffles towards her almost like a tired toddler and slips her hand in Lena's. The CEO leads her down the hallway to the master bedroom. Kara slips into the bed quickly. Lena directs her to drink her water before she gets too comfortable. She does as she is told, but grumbles even more when Lena takes time to go to the bathroom to get out of her swimsuit and into more comfortable clothes. The blonde just wants her girlfriend in bed to cuddle.

Lena takes her time in the bathroom. She hates the feeling of sand, so she is quick to hop in the shower to rinse off. Her mind can't help but wander back to her reaction about the ocean. She doesn't understand. She should be over it by now. Her mom died so long ago; it shouldn't bother her anymore. Kara should be able to swim if she wants to, but even that thought alone sends shivers down her spine. She can't bear to think about losing anyone else she loves in the same way. Lena hops out of the shower and slips into satin shorts and a tank top. She leans against her vanity and stares at herself in the mirror. She looks like she's aged at least five years with all the stress recently. She lets out a deep breath as she pulls her hair up into a messy, wet bun. She pads back out and smiles at the image before her. Kara is curled around Lena's pillow with a frumpy face. It's obvious that she isn't asleep and is waiting for Lena's return to the bed.

"Come 'ere," Kara grumbles.

Without a hint of malice or bite to her words, Lena teases, "You better not have gotten sand in our bed."

Kara smiles when she hears Lena say 'our bed.' "Wind from the ride got most of it out."

"Most?" Lena slips into the bed and curls around the other side of her own pillow.
Kara just smirks at her with sleepy eyes. "I'll make it up to you if you find sand on your half of the bed."

Lena hums with a playful smirk on her face. "I'll be sure to hold you to that. Now... Can I have my pillow back?"

The blonde fakes a thoughtful look. "I'll make you a deal. You can have your pillow as long as I can have you."

Lena's giggles are melodic to Kara's ears. "I will always take that deal, darling."
After some reshuffling, Lena's laying on her side with her pillow under her head. Kara's face is buried in her chest with their limbs entangled and absolutely no space between their bodies. Both know the other isn't asleep, but they enjoy the peaceful silence. Before Lena slips into slumber, she mumbles a quiet, 'thank you, Kar.' Kara's response was just to kiss the sternum in front of her face before snuggling into it and falling asleep as well.


Sam waits for Alex to enter the guest room before quietly shutting the door. Alex hands her a water before cracking her own open to take a few gulps. She nearly chokes when she sees Sam out of the corner of her eye stripping down to her bikini again.

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