Chapter 39

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"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry," Lena gets out between hiccups. At least she finally quit sobbing like a toddler.

"Hey, no need to apologize."

Kelly chimes in, "Kara's right, Lena. You don't need to apologize for this. You've been under enormous stress and surrounded by emotional triggers."

Lena nods as she sniffs and wipes away her tears. She checks the time to see how long this meltdown lasted. She needs to start working. She needs to knock it off with these imbecilic emotions and get down to business. "Well, then allow me to apologize for having to get going. I need to log in to get ready for some meetings today. I really must go."

Kara's face drops. It's almost like she can see the physical manifestation of Lena shoving her emotions down. The only time she's remotely seen this was at the water fountain in the park when Lena was trying to insist on going home.

"Lena, maybe you should just take a bit more time-" Kelly starts.

"I can't. I've been taking too much time off as it is." Lena abruptly stands and heads to her bedroom to get changed and ready. She doesn't see the look of immense guilt and hurt on her girlfriend's. She just rushes out of the room to get as far away from the situation as possible.

Kelly just watches on, concern etched on her features. She turns to her friend. She has to toe the line; she can't not help her friend. "Kara, give her some time to let the emotions settle, but then you need to talk to her about your feelings."

"I- I can't burden her with that- not right now."


"Kelly, I can't. The last time I told her about how I really felt... about what I wanted... she ran. I- I can't lose her, again."

Kelly gives her a look full of understanding and concern. She lets out a deep sigh. "Do you want to talk at all today?"

Kara nervously fiddles with her hands as she looks towards the noise coming from the bedroom. She shakes her head no.

"Alright... I'll see myself out. I'll have the psychiatrist send the meds to the pharmacy Lena identified in her intake paperwork. Please make sure it does get filled. She doesn't have to use it if she doesn't want to, but I want you guys to have it as an option."

Kara nods in understanding. She stays seated on the couch as Kelly takes her leave. Just moments later, Kara sees Lena come back out in business formal and a face full of makeup. If Kara weren't so fragile, she would have had the confidence to tell her how beautiful she looks. Instead... she just watches on.

"Darling, I'll be in my study for most of the day. Help yourself to whatever. I granted you access to the elevator, so you can come and go as you please." Lena doesn't even wait for a response before she walks into her study and shuts the door with a resounding thud.

Kara silently moves to the ensuite bathroom. She turns on the shower before huddling on the floor with her back to the door. She cries as silently as she can manage.


Across town, Alex and Sam take their time in the morning in a heavy make out session. Alex loves waking up to Sam in the morning, especially in her own bed. They were both delighted when Sam read the text from Lena to take the day off again to just 'enjoy' each other. They decide to laze in bed in the morning. Alex cooked them a later, late breakfast. Both are content in remaining in their little bubble.

"So what do you want to do today?" Alex asks playfully.

Sam hums with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Depends on what you are hoping for, babygirl."

The RescueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora