Chapter 20

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After Alex leaves the penthouse, she realizes that she left Kara behind. Clearly, her presence isn't an issue for the CEO. She pulls out her phone and scrolls through the messages from hers and Kara's mutual friends. They are all checking in and trying to find a time to come see them both. She knows she will have to check with Lena before agreeing to anything. Alex opts to ignore all those messages and send one to someone else.

When Sam exits an online meeting with the marketing team, she sees that she has an unread text from Alex.

Is it a good time to call? Karlena just kicked me out of the penthouse for therapy.

A smile comes easily as she calls her from bed. She doesn't even let the older Danvers get a word. "Good morning, babygirl."

"I- I- ugh, good morning," Alex grumbles.

Sam can practically hear the woman blushing over the phone. "So did the big, bad CEO kick you out?"

"Well, to be fair, I offered to leave. I didn't exactly want to be around for her therapy session, but of course Kara stayed behind."

"How are you two doing? Are you taking time to recover?"

Alex can hear the genuine concern in the older woman's voice. "Yes, we are. Kara has Lena playing nurse. And my injuries are really not that bad. It's just a few days off work and letting the cuts heal."

"I'm so relieved that it wasn't any more serious. I was about to hop on a flight just to see for myself that you were okay."

Alex feels warmth spread from her chest at the declaration. "While much appreciated, I'm okay."

"Well, I am having Lena check in with me regularly to make sure it stays that way. One errant text from her, and you can bet your ass that I will be in National City in a heartbeat. I'll even drag along Ruby if I have to."

"I promise. I'm following all of the doctor's instructions."

"Good girl." Sam smirks at the sputtering on the other end of the line. She hesitates to say her next thought. "Speaking of Ruby, I'm going to talk to her tonight." Sam swallows down a lump in her throat. She's incredibly nervous. She's never had to have this talk with her daughter before.

Alex can hear her nerves and wants nothing more than to comfort the woman. "Zero pressure, Sammy. I promise. If you aren't ready yet... if you're never ready, that's okay."

"Thank you, Al. That means a lot to me. I'll- I'll let you know how it goes. Now, tell me more about Karlena. Where are they at?"

"Well, I totally caught them this morning eye fucking each other. Lena must be changing Kara's bandages, which wrap around her torso. And they definitely are still sleeping in the same bed."

"Oooooh. We are getting close!" Sam says excitedly. "God, I wish I was there to watch it happen."

"Okay, ew, can we not talk about my little sister's sex life?"

"I didn't mean it like that! Although, I bet once they do start having sex that it is dynamite. I mean, your sister's in good shape, and Lena is a very giving person." Sam smirks with her suggestive tone. She knows that she is riling up the redhead.

"ew, ew, ew, ew, EW! Stop, Sam!"

Sam bursts into laughter. "Aw, don't be jealous, babygirl. I'm a rockstar in bed, too."

Alex's face turns bright red and her mind wanders. She hopes with everything she's got that Ruby is receptive to Sam dating her. It's silent for a few moments with Sam stifling her laughter. "Did I break you?"

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