Chapter 10

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As Kara and Lena spend time together at Noonan's, Alex and Sam wander the city. They go back to the fountain to sit and chat a bit before figuring out what they want to do with the day.

"So, how do you think it is going?" Sam asks.

Alex chuckles, "Well, my sister will forgive anyone. So I guarantee that they are in each other's lives again. The real question is will they woman up and date already."

"Hmmm," Sam ponders. "Not right away. Lee won't just jump into it. But I can guarantee that it will be less than platonic."

"Oh! Agreed!"

"You better text me updates! I can't believe that I will miss teasing them."
Alex rubs her hands together awkwardly, "Right, right. Lena said you were heading back to Metropolis tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I have to catch my daughter's soccer game. Then back to running the East coast offices of L-Corp."

Alex is slightly startled. "Daughter?"

"Oh, yeah. She's a bit of a handful." Sam brings out her phone to show photos. Most of them are goofy selfies with both of them.

"I can't help but notice that it's just the two of you in these photos?" Alex gently prods.

"Yeah. It's always just been me and her. Lena helped me out during college of course. Gosh, that feels like it was ages ago. I can't believe that she is graduating high school in a couple of months."

Alex's voice gets comically loud, "High school?! There is no way you are old enough to have a high schooler!"

Sam laughs at the reaction. "Well, I had her early in life, but really... I'm older than I look."

Alex has a hard time rejoining the conversation, doing mental math to try to figure out how old Sam really is.

"Don't break your brain there, sweetie. I can see your wheels turning from here. I'm 34."

"34!" Alex shouts. She immediately looks around and lowers her voice. "There's no way you are 34 years old, Sam. Are you an alien? Are you immortal?" Alex playfully pokes Sam in the arm as if she is confirming that she is real.

"I'm 100% human, babygirl. I'm guessing from your reaction that you are significantly younger?"

Alex blushes profusely at the nickname. "Th-that would be correct."

"Aw, come on now," Sam teases with a flirtatious tone. "You can't ask a lady for her age and not reciprocate. Unless you're a pillow princess of course."

Alex chokes on her own spit. Sam just smiles salaciously. "I-I- I'm not a pillow princess! And I'm 25."

"Oh good, I was worried it was worse than that. Lena would have a field day calling me a cougar."

"W-wait. How old is Lena?"

"Oh, no worries about her robbing the cradle with your sister. She went to college younger than most - literal genius and all."

Alex tries to change the topic. "So, last day in National City. What do you plan on doing?"

"Would 'you' be an acceptable answer?" Sam just laughs manically at Alex's face reddens. "I'm just kidding, babygirl. I don't have any plans. I didn't know if this would go well or not. My backup plan was to eat a gallon of ice cream with Lena if this went badly. What are your plans?"

"Honestly, about the same, but with Kara. On Saturday's, if the weather is decent, I usually take my motorcycle out of the city to just get away from everything." She waits a moment to gather her courage to ask her next question, "Would you like to join me?"

The RescueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora