Chapter 15

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Kara squints and shuts her eyes tightly at the sun streaming on her face. It takes her a moment to realize that she is still on the couch. She takes a deep breath in and smiles lightly. When she opens her eyes, she finds that her face is buried in a warm and soft stomach. One of her hands is trapped between the couch and warm thighs, the other is tightly gripping a tee with her fist resting on a hip. She doesn't want to move an inch, but she is oh so tempted. She can hear the soft snores from the woman she is cuddled against.

Kara's smile drops when she remembers the situation that led them here. Mike. Kara can feel her chest tightening, her breath shortening, her jaw tensing. Tears start running across her face. She buries her face deeper into Lena's stomach and grips tighter.

Lena rouses with her lap warm with a heavy weight. She cracks her neck at the awkward position she slept in before looking down at the woman in her lap. It takes her all of two seconds to realize that Kara is upset. Lena cards her fingers through the blonde locks and scratches her scalp lightly. She untangles Kara's hand from her shirt to hold it. She lifts it up to kiss her knuckles gently.

"Kara, is there anything I can do?" Lena asks with a gruff morning voice.

Kara whimpers and shakes her head no. She does her best to keep her body from shaking, but she isn't that successful. Lena reaches to the end table and grabs her phone, briefly stopping her ministrations with the blonde's hair. "There. We've both called in today. Now, darling, can I take a look at your eye?"

Kara grips Lena's hand tighter and snuggles in further. A harsh ringing fills the air suddenly. The blonde immediately panics and curls up into a ball and tries to move further into Lena's lap. Lena reaches across her to quickly answer Kara's phone.

"Why are you calling in again? And why did Lena text it in for you?" Alex yells across the phone.

"Alex," Lena answers.

"What are you doing with my sister's phone?" Alex sounds surprised.

"There was an incident last night..." Before Lena can finish, her own phone starts ringing. "Alex, hold on a second, your girlfriend is calling me."

"Girlfriend?! S-Sam is not my girlfriend," Alex stammers.

"But funny how you knew exactly who I was talking about," Lena replies coolly. Lena puts down Kara's phone and picks up her own, her other hand still fully clasped in Kara's. "Sam?"

"Why are you calling in? Did you have another panic attack? Do I need to come back?" Sam rushes.

Lena sighs, "No, Sam. This time I'm not calling in for me."

Alex could hear everything over the open line still. Lena could hear her yell "What?!"

"Oh for goodness sake. Hang up, I'm calling you both back at the same time!" Lena exclaims.

"Both?" Sam manages to get out before Lena promptly disconnects the line.
Lena Facetimes both Sam and Alex from her phone. They immediately answer and talk over each other until they realize who is on the call.

"Oh. Hey, Sam."

"Hey, Alex."

There are a few beats of silence. Lena interrupts, "Should I hang up to gay panic with each other or did you have questions for me?"

"Why are you calling in?"

"Why is Kara calling in?"

Sam and Alex say it at the same time. Lena looks down at the woman in her lap again. She hasn't unburied herself and is still shaking from silent sobs. Lena sighs. "I came over to Kara's last night for dinner, but there was someone else here. The police had to get involved, and Kara - well, she could use some time to recover."

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