Chapter 17

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Alex groans at the loud, obnoxious noise her phone is making. She throws her arm across her bed to answer the call, thinking maybe it's her sister or Lena.

"What is it?" she says with a very rough morning voice.

A teasing voice comes through, "Well, good morning to you too, babygirl."

"Sam? What time is it?"

"Well it's 11am my time, so 7am yours? You really aren't a morning person are you?"

Alex groans. "No, I'm not."

Sam chuckles. "I've been up since 4am."

"And you don't need a nap yet?" Alex grunts incredulously.

"What can I say, babygirl? Wait a decade and maybe you'll get to the same point." Sam's laugh comes through the phone.

Alex can't help but smile lazily. "What were you doing up so early anyways?"

"I get up that early all the time. Anyways, I just called because I wanted to thank you, Al... For not pushing it when Ruby interrupted us the other day. I want to talk to Ruby before I make any promises to you."

This has Alex immediately perking up. "So - you are going to tell Ruby about me?"

"Yeah, I am. We didn't really get to finish our conversation, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm willing to try with you, Al."

Alex kicks her feet into her bed unable to contain her excitement. She does her best to keep her voice even though, "Well, I'll be here whenever you have that conversation with Ruby. And if it doesn't go well, I'd still very much like to be friends."

"Thank you," Sam says softly. "I'll let you get back to sleep, babygirl. I'll talk to you again soon."

"Have a good day, Sam."

Alex is too keyed up to go back to sleep. Not to mention that she needs to get ready for work. She quickly looks at her notifications to see if Kara called in again for the day. Seeing nothing, she decided to text her sister.

Breakfast this morning before work?

Please. Noonans in 30?

I'll see you there

Alex goes about her morning, equally anxious and happy to see her sister. She wants to share her progress with Sam, but she also wants to know what the hell happened the other night. She will feel a lot better when she can lay eyes on her sister.


Kara grumbles as she feels Lena slip out from underneath her. The blonde missed the warmth and softness. The bed and pillows just aren't the same. She hears Lena shush her back to sleep before she passes out again. She doesn't sleep nearly as peacefully as before.

Lena needs to get up to start getting ready for her therapy session. It's more difficult to extricate herself from the blonde's grasp than she thought it would be. The CEO finds it adorable that she complains even in her sleep to be separated. She quickly whispers that everything is alright, and Kara visibly relaxes back to sleep. Lena moves into the kitchen to start the coffee and make some breakfast while reviewing what she wants to tell Kelly today.

She starts to feel anxious. Lena knows that this is what she wants. And she is fairly confident that this is what Kara wants, but it doesn't stop her nerves to think about what if Kara says no. Lena practices the tools Kelly gave her. She brings out her journal, and this time, she finds it easier to list good things. Lena writes about her nervousness and the possibility of dating Kara. She gets so engrossed in her writings that she didn't even hear Kara come out of the bedroom. She just feels arms circle her waist and a body pressed up against her back. Lena quickly snaps the journal shut.

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