Chapter 32

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Alex and Kara pull into the public parking lot next to each other. Sam and Lena carefully dismount as the sisters turn off their bikes and pull off their helmets. Lena runs her hand up Kara's arm to check in on her. The CEO realized pretty quickly on the ride over that the blonde was distracted for most of it. The quiet, nonverbal check in makes Kara smile softly at the woman. Kara takes Lena's hand in hers and kisses the back of it gently before swinging her leg over the bike.

Sam and Alex are unloading the saddle bags and gathering up the supplies as Lena and Kara carry their takeout. They set themselves up by a tree to provide some shade from the intense sun. There is hardly anyone out since it's during the workweek. The waves are calm, and the ocean breeze is refreshing. They all settle on their towels as they dig in. The group is fairly quiet with only brief mentions of how good the food is and how wonderful the weather is. Alex and Kara are quick to clean up the trash and dispose of it at the shelter that is at the entrance to the parking lot.

"You ready to tell me why we are here?" Alex asks gently.

Kara looks over at her sister before staring at her own feet. She watches the sand shift around her weight and pays close attention to how her muscles have to adapt to keep herself up on unstable ground. She lets out a deep breath. "I just needed the calm, Alex. This morning was heavy; heavier than I was expecting. Lee has never mentioned before why she didn't go after the people who hurt her." Kara's eyes pan up to her girlfriend who looks deep in conversation with Sam again.

Alex reaches out and puts a reassuring hand on her sister's shoulder. "Are- are you sure you're okay with me going to Metropolis? Because I can stay."

"No, no, Alex. You should go. Sam needs someone. Besides, you'll have to come back eventually unless you decide to quit and let Sam pay for everything."

"No!" Alex practically shouts. She shakes her head. "Sorry, no. I'm not letting Sam pay for everything. That's- that's not what I want."

Kara smiles at her sister. "I'm so happy for you, Alex. I really am."

"I'm happy for you, too, Kar."

The sisters both have a moment of imbalance as they approach their girlfriends. They may or may not have been slightly distracted by the sight before them. Sam has already pulled her shirt and is bent over, removing her shorts. Lena's top is halfway off as she just finishes pulling it over her head and shaking her hair free.

"Flies will get in if you two keep your mouths open like that," Lena quips with a smug smirk.

As Sam hears the tease, she is slow to stand back up with her brow raised. "Like what you see, babygirl?"

Both sisters are comically standing shoulder to shoulder with their jaw dropped and blushes covering their faces.

"I think we broke them again, Sammy."

"And we haven't even gotten wet yet."

Kara lets out a high pitched whine as Lena is slow in her removal of her joggers. Alex snaps her mouth shut. "Are-" the rasp in her own voice makes her blush deeper. She's quick to clear her throat, "Going for a swim?"

Sam just laughs and slowly stalks up to her girlfriend. Alex is so focused on making sure that her eyes stay glued to her girlfriend's face. "You know. You're going to have to look when you help me get sunscreen on."

Alex visibly gulps as her eyes quickly dart down that lean body. The olive colored skin and dark hair really makes the white bikini pop. Alex's hands tremble at the thought of rubbing in lotion all over that body. She is quick to bring her eyes back up to a smirking Sam.

"What do you think? Will you help me?" Sam asks innocently while holding up a tube of lotion.

"Of-of course."

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