Chapter 23

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"Well, since everyone seems to be struck speechless. Hi! I'm Nia. That's James and Kelly. Winn. Seems like you already know Alex. And that's Kara. Very nice to meet you, Sam!"

Sam smiles, "Thanks, Nia. It's nice to meet you all, too."

Alex snaps out of her shock. "S-Sam? What are you doing here?"

"Ah, she speaks. Well, Ruby's favorite aunt just so happened to arrange for NCU students to show her the ropes and host her for a night, which miraculously made me available to come by for this little soiree," Sam explains. "By the way, thank you for arranging that, Lee. Ruby was so excited when I told her."

"Not a problem, Sammy," Lena holds up her glass with a smile on her face. "I'm glad it all worked out. I hope you all don't mind the addition. She's my best friend, and my CFO."

Everyone mummers that they are alright with it. Kelly leans back in her chair with a knowing smile on her face. She's already heard plenty about Sam from Lena, but she also knows how to read Alex's tells. James looks absolutely confused. Winn is trying to figure out the situation between Alex and Sam. And Nia is just bright eyed and bushy tailed that there is a new member of the squad.

Sam locks eyes with Kara across the room. She smirks that the two are basically sitting in each others' laps. She quirks her brow when she sees the silver necklace around Kara's neck. She knows that Kara clocked her as the blonde put the necklace inside her shirt. She decides to let it go for now; not wanting to draw attention when she is in a room full of people she doesn't know. "I'm so happy to see you and Alex are doing well after that lab accident."

Kara just whispers, "Me too."

"Yeah, how are you guys recovering?" Winn chips in.

"We're doing alright. Lena is making sure that we follow the doctor's orders," Alex adds.

"Seems like you are pretty involved," James says with a bit of bite. Kelly subtly kicks him.

Kara's eyes look like they will incinerate him for even inferring that Lena is anything less than amazing. Lena jumps in before Kara can respond. "Kara helped me during a time when I needed her. I'm repaying the favor."

Nia tries to strike a balance and bring back the fun. "Thank you, Lena, for agreeing to this and hosting."

"Don't mention it." Lena smiles.

Kelly interrupts, "Well, I'm going to grab some food if you don't mind. Sam, can I grab a drink for you?"

Everyone breaks into agreement that they are hungry or needing refills. Sam quickly agrees telling Kelly to bring her whatever is open, and refuses to let Alex up. Lena and Kara stay planted on the couch since they snacked as they put everything out. Nia lingers a bit to see if she can grab any of them anything.

Sam throws a knowing look at Lena as soon as the others are distracted or in the kitchen. "When were you going to tell me, Lee?"

Lena pretends to look confused. Sam doesn't fall for it for even a moment. "Don't even try it. I saw the necklace."

Kara blushes profusely. Lena bites her lip, failing to suppress a giant grin. "I was going to tell you this weekend."

"I guess I can't be too upset," Sam sighs. She has a silent conversation with Alex before proceeding. Alex nods subtly. "I talked to Ruby. Her only stipulation was that she wants to meet Alex. When you called about this weekend, I about fainted."

Kara and Lena are shocked with the brightest smiles on their faces. They talk over each other about how they are so happy for them. Alex wraps her arms around Sam's waist and smiles as she cuddles into the woman in her lap.

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