Chapter 6

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Kara tries to call the hotel room. It continuously rings and rings and rings. She doesn't even know how many times she tries; she loses track. She doesn't understand how the night ran away from them. She thought everything was going so well. They hadn't talked about seeing each other romantically, but to be fair, Kara didn't want to push her while she was in such a vulnerable state from Lord and Edge. The last thing she wants is to take advantage of Lena. Crying uncontrollably, Kara passes out on the living room floor, gripping her jacket tightly.

Kara wakes up at an unreasonable time. Her throat feels sore, her face puffy, her sinuses clogged. It takes her a few moments to remember what happened. In a daze, she grabs her helmet and keys. For once, she leaves her jacket behind. It's too painful to pull on. The streets are empty as she drives to National City Hotel. She leaves her helmet on to avoid any stares at the state of her. She angrily pushes the button in the elevator for the 14th floor. She's furious at Lena right now. How can she just walk away? How could she not give Kara an opportunity to respond? She bangs on 1428's door for five minutes before a neighbor comes out to scold her for being so loud. In a huff, she stomps back down to the lobby. When the receptionist sees her state, she hesitates to tell her anything about the resident of 1428.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am. The occupant left. She checked out."

"WHAT?! What do you mean she checked out?! It's the middle of the night!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am."

"Did she say where she is going?"

"I-I can't divulge that information, ma'am."


Security starts to approach the scene. The receptionist tries her best to calm Kara down. "I'm sorry ma'am. Even if I could tell you, I can't. She didn't leave a forwarding address."

Kara bolts from the hotel. She needs to get away. She can't believe that Lena literally ghosted her. She hops on her bike and drives. She drives out of town and keeps going. She doesn't stop until she is almost out of gas. She checks her phone at the gas station to see if Lena reached out.

Hey, sister night. Your place or mine.

you ignoring me? you are always up by now

seriously, you are not canceling on me

Missed call

I'm outside your door. Where are you?

Missed call

Missed call

Kara, please text me that you are alright

Kara sighs heavily. She hits redial and pinches her nose at the onslaught that is coming her way.

"WHERE ARE YOU? Tell me you didn't ignore me for Lena this morning!"


Alex immediately picks up on her sister's voice. "Kara. Kara, what's wrong? Are you alright?"

Kara breaks down into uncontrollable sobs, "Sh-she left."

"Oh, Kara. Come home. I'll be waiting. I'll get your favorites."

Kara hangs up and goes into the bathroom to pull herself together. She isn't sure how long it will take for her to drive back. She's not even sure where she is. Kara quickly slaps cold water over the face, pats it dry, and leaves. By the time she gets back to her apartment, Alex is sprawled on the couch, asleep. Bags of takeout are littered across the kitchen counter, likely cold. Alex wakes abruptly at the sound of Kara tossing her keys in the bowl.

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