Chapter 4

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After a giant breakfast and many Disney movies, the women take turns showering. They move around each other like they have been living together for years. Kara makes sure to respect Lena's space and privacy, trying to let Lena talk to her in her own time. She still doesn't understand what happened with those women yesterday.

"Hey, Lee? I'm going to need to go to my apartment. I need fresh clothes and take care of some things." Kara watches as her shoulders slump at the news. She rushes her next statement partly in nervousness and partly to comfort the woman. "You are more than welcome to come. And maybe you can stay over tonight? If you wanted a change in scenery? I can cook for us and give you a nice homemade meal instead?"

Lena freezes momentarily. "Why?"

With a crinkle on her brow, Kara hesitantly asks "Why what?"

"Why are you being so nice to me? Don't get me wrong; I appreciate it. I'm not sure what I would do if you hadn't been here, but- I need to know: why? You barely know me. You don't know who I am or the things I have done. You don't know who you helped kick out yesterday. Hell, you didn't know who I was at the bar. Just- it doesn't make sense. Why?"

Kara leads Lena to the couch to sit. She holds her hands while she tries to gather her thoughts. "I'm not sure how to answer your question. I'm just being me. While I didn't know who you were at the bar, it wouldn't have made a difference if I had. That's just who I am. I couldn't watch and do nothing. My friends and family claim I have a 'savior complex.' I have intervened and gotten into plenty of hairy situations doing the same thing on different nights in different bars with different people. But you are the only one that I've felt a connection with; I needed to make sure you were okay. I don't understand it fully myself, but I want to be here for you. As for what you've done and who you are, I don't need to know what the public thinks of you. I want to get to know you myself... in whatever capacity you will allow."

Lena has tears in her eyes. "You may not say that after you figure out what my reputation is."

"I don't care what anyone else has to say. I will leave you alone if you want me to, but I will do so under extreme duress. Can I ask: where is this coming from?" Kara runs her thumbs on the back of Lena's hands comfortingly.

"I-I-" Lena sighs. "That was Veronica and Andrea yesterday. I've known them since boarding school. I thought they were my friends. It turns out that they knew. They knew I was with them. They knew the last time I ran into them, too. They- they did nothing. I trusted them, and they didn't help me. But you, a total stranger, intervened. You stopped them. Then on top of that, you came over in the middle of the night when I called. You took off work to stay with me. You kicked them out without knowing anything about the situation. And now, you are inviting me into your home. People don't do that for complete strangers."

"Well, I'm not most people, Lena. And neither are you. I can't do much about your shitty friends, but I choose you. I want to do this."

"I don't know what to say, Kara."

"Just say yes to coming over. Let me show you how real friends behave." Kara whispers, "Because I hope you choose me, too."

Lena throws her arms around Kara in a tight hug which she returns with gusto.

"Yes. I'd love to come over. Let me pack some things."

Once at Kara's apartment, she provides a brief tour and starts to meal prep in the kitchen. She throws on her 90's playlist and makes a fool of herself singing and dancing over the stove. No matter how many times Lena offers to help, Kara shoots her down.

"Just sit there and look pretty."

"I take offense at that!" Lena exclaims.

"You are my inspiration for this meal. Just relax and let me spoil you. Please?" Kara lightens her tone. After a few beats of silence, "Would you like something to drink? I've got wine, juice, water, tea, coffee..."

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