Chapter 13

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The next morning, Kara and Lena wake up holding each other in bed. They move about around each other to slowly get ready for their day. Kara texts her sister that she is going to be running a bit late into work. Just as they finished drinking their coffee, Lena's buzzer goes off.

"Oh, sorry! It's just my therapist." Lena grants access to her penthouse.

"I'll get out of the way, then."

"You are never 'in the way,' darling. It's okay. It's just later in the morning than I realized."

As the elevator doors open, Kara moves to get on the elevator when a familiar face halts her in her tracks. Kara hugs the therapist fiercely. "Kelly?! How have you been?"

"Kara! What an unexpected surprise? I'm well. How are you?"

Lena just looks on from the kitchen, a bit confused at the interaction.

"Um, how do you two know each other?" Lena interrupts their catching up session.

"Well, Kara is good friends with my brother, Jimmy."

"Wait... Your brother is James Olson?" Lena asks rather loudly.

Kara has a moment of panic. Her eyes shoot back and forth between Lena and Kelly. "Um... James was a bit, well, rude to Lena when they met."

Kelly's eyes shoot open at the admission. "Lena, I'm so sorry for whatever my idiot brother said. I swear I didn't know when I agreed to take you on as a client. You are still protected by doctor-patient privilege."

"It's okay, Kelly. I'm just - shocked, I suppose. You aren't your brother's keeper just as I'm not my brother's, right?"

Kelly smiled in warm understanding and a pinch of pride that Lena is able to express that she isn't responsible for Lex and his actions. She turns to Kara, "While it's good seeing you again Kara, but I'm afraid sessions are private."

"Right, right. I'll see you later, Lee?"

"Of course, darling."

After Kara leaves the penthouse, Kelly and Lena quickly settle into the living room space. "So, when you said you met someone, was it Kara?"

"Yeah. Small world, huh?"

"It appears so," Kelly says while smiling. "Do you want to talk about that now or do you want to talk about the homework first?"

"Can we talk about the homework?"

"Sure," Kelly smiles. "How'd it go?"

Lena lets out a breath as she gathers her thoughts. "Well, journaling is hard. I find that I dread it and never know what to say. I get frustrated. But reviewing the interactions for positives, it really seems to help."

"How is it helpful?"

"Well, it makes it easier for me to identify when I'm caught in the negative. It is very draining though. It takes so much energy to remember to reflect and on top of that, even more to focus so intently. Sometimes it is difficult to let go of the negative, but I'm learning."

"Good. This is good progress, Lena. I want you to keep at the journaling, even if it isn't working right now. Sometimes it just takes a bit of practice for you to get into it. Now, how was the weekend?"

"I-I mean, a lot of my weekend has to do with Kara and her sister. Are you sure we can discuss this? I don't want you to view them any different or put you in an awkward position."

"Lena," Kelly leans forward, clasping her hand together. "Yes, I know Kara and Alex, and all their friends. These sessions are confidential. I cannot and will not reveal anything said during these sessions unless I suspect you plan to harm yourself or someone else. I can separate my professional and personal life. If you feel uncomfortable, we don't have to discuss it, but I think it will help your therapy. If you would like to switch therapists, I can make recommendations."

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