Chapter 19

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Lena doesn't even think twice before climbing into bed with the blonde. How could she deny that puppy dog pout? She carefully makes her way up to Kara's side. She takes up the same position as before, careful to avoid touching any of the wounds. She feels more relaxed by her side, too. Before either of them fall asleep, Lena whispers, "Kelly is supposed to come over tomorrow for me, but with everything that is going on, do you want to talk to her instead?"

Kara turns to look Lena in the eye. "Lee, I'm not going to take your therapy session."

"Darling, I don't mind. I'm in a better place. You have had a couple traumatic events happen back to back. We can decide when she comes, but the offer will stand. I'll even head out if you want to talk to her without any chance of Alex or I listening. Whatever you need." Lena doesn't miss the fact that Kara pulls her closer when she talks about leaving the penthouse. She still gasps when she feels Kara's hand moves beneath her shirt.

"You're too good to me."

"I'm just repaying the kindness you showed me, Kara." Lena scooches up to kiss her jawline. "Now, let's sleep. We can talk about this in the morning."

Both women enjoy the warmth and contact with each other. They both fall asleep quickly and deeply. In the middle of the night, something wakes Lena. She blinks a few times to clear her eyes, and slowly becomes aware of her surroundings. It doesn't take long for her to notice that Kara is whimpering. Lena calls out Kara's name softly and tries to shake her shoulder. Kara's whimpers and pleas become more pronounced. Lena sits up to hover over Kara and get her to wake up.

"Kara. Kara, baby. Wake up. It's just a dream." She shakes her a bit harder. Kara gasps and her eyes shoot open. It takes her a few moments to register Lena in front of her.

"Deep breaths for me. Okay? Deep breaths. You're safe. You're here with me in my penthouse." Lena cups the blonde's face with her free hand. "You're alright, darling. I'm right here, baby. I'm right here."

Kara holds her hand against Lena's. Her eyes focus, and she starts to calm down. She breathes out, "Lee."

"I'm here, sweetheart. What do you need?"

"I- I don't know." Tears start to trail down the sides of her face. She doesn't remember much of the dream, but she knows it was painful; it made her afraid, so afraid.

Lena takes Kara's hand in hers and slips it up the bottom of her shirt and presses it down. Kara's hand spreads reactively, and she lightly drags her fingertips back and forth on the skin. Kara takes a shuddering breath in relief. Lena knew what she needed. Lena noticed that she was comforted with skin-to-skin contact, with a level of intimacy (even if they aren't dating). Kara feels more tears spill over over the immense feeling of love and care she has for the CEO in front of her.

"You want to talk about it?" Lena barely whispers.

Kara just shakes her head no. Lena feels the woman trail her hand to her back, trying to pull the ravenette down into her.

"Darling, I don't want to hurt you. I can't lay on you without risking your stitches." Kara just whines in response, unable to voice her need. She just tries harder to pull her down. "How about I lay down, and you can lay on top of me? Hm?"

Kara just nods in response. Lena quickly lays down and helps the younger woman lay on her back between Lena's legs with her stomach as the blonde's pillow. Kara loops her arms around the CEO's bare thighs and nuzzles into the soft skin. Lena does everything possible to choke down the moan that threatens to leave her as she feels Kara's warm breath on her inner thigh. She did not think this through. She all but feels her soul leave her body when she feels those soft lips graze sensitive skin. Lena laces her hands into blonde tresses and massages her scalp like Kara has done for her countless times before. She can practically feel Kara melt as she hums in contentment.

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