Chapter 22

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The week flies by for everyone. Lena keeps her own therapy sessions with Kelly moving forward. Alex always goes out for a walk, and Kara sits on the balcony where she can still keep Lena in her line of sight. Lena spends most of her time talking about her new relationship with the blonde. She has to process her own emotions in regards to the incident with Mike and Kara's lab accident. Not to mention, they have been struggling to find a new balance with Mike's upcoming trial.

It's set for Monday. Kara has been more and more handsy, needing physical reassurance that she isn't alone. Lena has been careful not to let it get too far; although, it's a struggle for her. She loves the attention Kara gives her. And if she is honest with herself, she starts them down that path just as frequently. Kara has always respected when Lena says enough. They always talk about it afterwards and check in to make sure they both are okay. The CEO especially struggles with feeling selfish, not wanting their first time to be tainted by Kara just needing a distraction. And on the other hand, she wants to help Kara in whatever way she can.

Kelly, for her part, does an amazing job giving Lena advice and guiding her through without betraying any of Kara's confidence in her as a friend. Kelly keeps the CEO focused on her own thoughts and feelings rather than worrying about Kara's all the time. They both agree that Kelly should come to game night with certain expectations and rules about how they will balance their therapy and social lives. Lena keeps working on her journals and reframing techniques. Lena feels like she is making great progress with herself.

When Lena's session on Friday is over, Kelly moves out to the balcony to check in with Kara. Lena makes herself busy in the kitchen, readying everything for their usual breakfast. She tries to respect Kara's privacy, but she keeps looking out to make sure Kara is okay. She hopes that her girlfriend will one day accept seeing a therapist. The more time they spend together, the more little bits of information Kara drops about her relationship with Mike. The more she learns, the more she hates Mike Matthews.

Lena's attention is drawn back to the sizzling bacon on the stove. She hears the balcony door open and her guests coming in. The CEO smiles at the blonde thanking Kelly profusely like she has the past few times she's been over. Kelly promptly leaves as Kara wanders into the kitchen, following her nose. Lena just waits patiently for the inevitable morning routine. Kara softly pads behind her and wraps her arms around Lena's waist, slipping her hands under her shirt.

"I'm almost done with everything," Lena says softly, turning her head to look at her girlfriend.

Kara always kisses her temple before burying her nose into Lena's pale neck. "How was your session?"

"It was really good today. Are you ready for game night?" Lena cracks a couple eggs into the pan after putting the bacon on a paper towel.

Kara hums into her neck. "Yeah, I guess."

"You know we can cancel if you want, right?"

"I know. But I haven't seen any of them since the accident."

"Well, you just say the word, and I will kick them all out if it gets to be too much."

"Are you my big, bad enforcer?" Kara quips with a smirk on her face.

Lena turns in her arms after shutting off the stove. She cups Kara's face and brings her in for a kiss. "I'll be your protector, just as you have been mine, darling."

Kara pecks her perfect lips with a smile on her face. "Thank you."

The women enjoy their breakfast out on the balcony, listening to the city life. They relax into the morning. After changing Kara's wraps, Lena responds to some work emails and takes a few calls. Kara has been doing better with letting Lena be in other rooms without her. They both know there is underlying anxiety about Monday, but they comfort each other in little ways. Lena is curled up on the couch with a book as Kara watches some show that certainly was meant for kids.

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