Chapter 36

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Kara's breath rushes out in a woosh as her back unsuspectedly hits the couch cushions. Before she has a chance to acclimate, Lena is crawling up and over the armrest to settle herself in Kara's lap, capturing those soft lips with her own. Kara doesn't hesitate to return the kiss with fervor. Her hands latch onto soft curves before she trails them down to get a nice palmful of that round ass and squeezes. She smirks a bit when Lena moans, breaking the kiss accidentally.

Lena breathes heavily as she pecks tiny kisses along Kara's jawline. In between a couple, she whispers into Kara's ear, "What do you think, darling? Is this okay?"
Kara lets out a groan as her hips jog up. "You're quite literally on top of me, kissing me breathless. I'd like to think I'd protest by now if I had a problem, Lee."
Lena hums right into Kara's ear, causing goosebumps to break out across her skin. "Consent is sexy, remember?"

Kara shivers at the feeling of nails running up her arm. "Ah yes, how could I forget your consent kink?"

Lena playfully bites her neck to scold her. "You better watch it. I don't do anything without consent, so if I don't hear a 'yes,' I'll be stopping."

"Wait!" Kara rushes to exclaim, "Yes, yes. I consent. This is more than okay."

"Good girl." Lena goes back to open mouth kisses along that toned neck. She smiles to herself when she hears her girlfriend whimper at the praise. Definitely a puppy.

Lena trails her hands to the bottom of her girlfriend's shirt to pull it up slowly, inch by inch. When she gets it bunched up just under Kara's breasts, Lena splays her hands across those abs she drools over. She drags her nails across them teasingly. More goosebumps breakout across that tan flesh. Lena can mark the exact moment Kara remembered her scars and wounds. She feels Kara tense momentarily beneath her. So, she decides to start whispering praises between kisses.

"You are so beautiful. So strong. So smart." Lena kisses the corner of Kara's mouth. "You are so kind and generous and thoughtful." Lena kisses the other corner of her mouth. "You are absolutely amazing, darling." Lena pulls that bottom lip with her teeth before kissing her deeply. When she breaks the kiss, she pulls back enough to look at Kara in those dilated, blue eyes to husk out, "I love you."

Kara's whole body is tingling at the care and attention from the woman above her. When she felt one of those lithe fingers raise and drop from a protruding and healing scar rather than a defined abdominal muscle, Kara had a momentary freak out. She still hates the marks all over her body. She knows that it's a bit vain, that Lena doesn't care about the scars, but she can't shake it. She can't ignore it. She links her hands in Lena's to keep her from touching her further.

"I love you, too. I- I'm sorry. C- can you... stop... touching my sca - them - right now?" Kara asks so hesitantly.

Lena holds Kara's face in her hands as she pecks those lips. "I don't do anything without consent. Baby, you don't need to be nervous to ask me to stop. I will always follow your direction. I never want you to be uncomfortable with me."
Tears well up in Kara's eyes. Her lip trembles as she whispers out a quiet, "Thank you."

"Anything you need, darling, I'll gladly do whatever I can to give you it. Do we need to come to a full stop or do you just need me to avoid worshiping those delicious abs?" Lena grins salaciously by the end of her question.

"Why are you so fantastic?"

"Shall I remind you that clearly I'm not always?"

"I will never expect you to always be perfect. That's impossible. But right now, you are perfectly fantastic." Lena rolls her eyes with a smile on her face. Kara's smile slips just a little. "We- we can continue but... um..." Kara's eyes flicker down to her exposed stomach. "I'm not comfortable in... in this position."

The RescueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora