it was like everyone's breath was stuck in their throat , both jungkook and yoongi were watching jason scared to move a muscle, scared that jimin could get hurt any movement.

... jungkook was praying all the gods he remembered, he just wanted jimin to be safe ...he couldn't loose him like that he'd die for jimin , he could never let anyone hurt him.

on the other hand yoongi was going crazy, he hated it , he hated not having any control over the moment. he wanted jimin to he safe ... but he was also scared about his baby brother...his only family.

jason had been everything to him his best friend his brother his only family his everything , they literally grew up toghether... and only yoongi knew what he had been through to protect his brother from all the evils in the world. yoongi sacrificed everything and did all kind of sins just to protect Jason's innocence and watching him standing there with a literal gun trying to hurt someone and that someone being his first and only love .

yoongi literally felt like dying would be better...he just wanted all this to end and both of them to be safe .

jason still stood there lost in his thoughts, like he was amending his thoughts...

“ jason please ” jungkook cried his broken voice begging jason to stop .

“ stop right there !or I'll fucking shoot !! ” a voice came as all of them looked at the source finding taehyung standing there with a gun pointing towards jason.

“ taehyung no stop ! ” yoongi screamed ...why taehyung why ! we agreed that you'll wait ...

jason scoffed looking at yoongi with betrayed look “ so you bought him here ”.

yoongi opened his mouth but closed right after as he couldn't get any words out , he was scared that one wrong move and he'll loose everything.

jason slowly looked up , his eyes turned dark , his aura changed there was a movement of silence before jason spoke .

“ alright i won't hurt him ” Jason said loosening his hold onto jimin as he slowly lowered his gun as he pushed jimin forward towards jungkook.
“ goo ” he said as jimin stepped forward not believing it , he smiled slightly with tears in his eyes . for a moment yoongi could finally breathe. taehyung sighed in relief but before anyone could do anything jason pointed the gun straight towards jimin and pulled the trigger.

“ NOOOOOOOO !!!!! ”  a scream was all that echoed through the thick air .

it was jimin's scream....

as he dropped on his knees...

looking at Jungkook lying there in a pool of blood ....

the bullet pierced right through his chest jason tried to shoot jimin jungkook pushed jimin aside shielding him with his own body.

jimin cried his heart out as he helplessly sat beside Jungkook's bloody figure not being able to touch him as his hands were tied behind his back . he leaned forward crying on Jungkook's chest trying to stop the blood.

“ j-jungkook n-no please n-no ” jimin cried refusing to accept the reality as he shaked his head sobbing his heart out .

“ a-ahh ” jungkook tried to speak.

“ i-i'm sorry for eve-everything i did , y-ou didn't de-deserve all of this... a-and i never deserved y-you ...but you don't have to suffer anymore... ” jungkook stopped breathing hard as he tried to move his hand reaching behind jimin as he untied the rope.

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