chapter 89

881 86 16

" how many scars will you justify, just because you love the person holding the knife...? "


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next morning

jungkook woke up , the first thing he did was walk upstairs to open the door for jimin.

he barely got some sleep last night and now headache was killing him .

for some reason as he got closer and closer to the room he could feel his heart getting heavier...was it guilt ?

he opened the door expecting jimin on the bed sleeping.

but reality was far away from that , he saw jimin laying on the floor . jungkook ran to him scared to death thinking that jimin fainted or something even worse happened.

he ran up to him crouching near the jimin calling out his name . to his surprise jimin woke up quickly .

but when he saw jungkook he flinched hard sliding away from him looking at him with wide eyes .

jungkook could feel his heart fill with guilt , when he saw jimin's state he could no longer stop his guilt from building up more and more.

jimin looked like a mess , his cheeks were bruised up , eyes swollen and red his head had a small cut covered with dried blood smeared a little all over his face and hands .

but what was worse was his expressions, the way jimin looked at jungkook... jungkook could feel that jimin was scared of him . it took them months and months to get to a point where jimin was comfortable with him , where he trusted him . but now they were back were it all started and even tho jungkook knew that these will be the consequences of his actions it still hurt like hell looking at jimin's small horrified eyes .

" are you ok scared me , why were you sleeping on the floor ? " jungkook asked .

but he got no answer jimin just looked down , it was obvious that jimin was not in the mood to talk to him right now ...he was obviously hurt and anyone could tell that just by looking at his face .

jungkook softly took his hand making him sit up on the bed .

jimin remained quit .

jungkook walked to the drawer fetching the first aid box .

he started cleaning but jimin's wound, jimin winched at the pain but stated put.

Jungkook's heart was beating like crazy , he didn't know how jimin got hurt so much , he couldn't remember hurting jimin this bad ...? he never intended for this to happen but he wasn't so gentle with him afterall , he should have been more careful, he should have controlled his anger . he was the one to blame jimin's state and he knew it .

" aah " jimin winched again .

" just a little, it's over " jungkook spoke with a soft voice.

jimin sat there jungkook cleaned up the mess that he was . he looked down sadly once jungkook was done .

he couldn't help but cry ... everything was hurting so much , it was too much for his heart ...he just wasn't able to process that " his jungkook actually hurt him ! "

jungkook saw how tears fell onto jimin's lap as he kept his head down... he felt his heart sting at the site . he didn't know what to say .

but before he could speak, he heared jimin's soft voice .

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