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Bakugou POV

I woke up to the stinging sensation of a needle in my arm, I sluggishly opened my eyes and groaned, the pounding in my head made me close my eyes tightly, I tried to place a hand on my head but was stopped by very thick chains. I started panicking and looked around wildly, a woman walks up to me and takes my face in her hand, she movd it from side to side, seemingly examining my face. She check my eyes, ears, nose and my throat.

Me: Don't fucking touch me!

I moved my head and snarled at her. She slapped me and moved away, grabbed scalpel and walked back over to me, she took my hands and moved them so they were facing her, my palms upright.

???: I just want to do an experiment, I've never met someone with a quirk like yours, and I want to see how emotions are related to your nitroglycerin secretion makeup.

My mind blanked, I snarled and snapped my teeth at her as she held the scalpel up to my face. She had a deranged smile on her face as she dragged it aross my face. A pained scream erupted from my throat and then it stopped for a while.

???: Now your face is pretty.

Me: You psycho!

She cackled and cut my cheek again. She called someone over and they swabbed my palms and put it in a testtube. The assistant ran back over and took out a syringe and handed it to her.

???: I've been working on this thing... a drug or... a remedy if you're open to it.

She plunged it into one of the cuts and injected the liquid, next a bottle of alcohol was brought to me, my breathing was heavy and I could feel my heart pounding away in my ears.

Me: What do you want from me?! And where is Izuku?!

She stopped before she could drop the alcohol into my cuts with a pipette.

???: He's going to be taken care of, don't worry. It's going to be alright, we'll take him off your hands.

Me: No! Leave him alone!

She shook her head and caresses my face, it took all my will power not to flinch away from her.

???: I can't let you meet him, but I can let you see him.

I had the feeling not to trust her but the need to atleast see Izuku was greater.

Me: Please, let me see my kid...

???: Oh my god! You're acting like his pathetic brother! The poor thing was so desperate to go to his brother, I couldn't help but give him some false hope. The despair on his face when me and my men ripped him apart was exhilarating.

Me: You crazy bitch!

???: That's what he called me when I first confessed my love for him as he died...

The assistant tapped her shoulder and she cleared her throat, the craziness in her eyes subsided.

???: Anyways!! Here's your kid!!!

She pulled on a cord and my chair spun around, it came face to face with a wall, it part and showed Izuku, strapped to a table.

Me: Izuku!! Kid!!!

???(Cackling): He can't hear you dumbass!! And he can't see you either!

Me: Why are you doing this?!

???: Because...

Me: Because what?!

???: Just because...

Me: For someone so evil, you're an idiot...

She slapped me and gripped my face, making me hiss as her fingers dug into my cuts.

???: HHow about we play a game? A friend of mine is going to inject some shit into the kid, and every time he looks like he's in pain...

She held up my hands and caressed my abnormally soft palms.

???: I cut your palm... that is where your quirk is active...

My eyes widened and I felt something dig into my leg. I looked down and gritted my teeth, there were some tube attached to my legs, some liquid were starting to be pumped into my system.

???: Do you like it? It's a paralyzing agent I made myself... as long as this liquid is being pumped into your body, you can't move. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

Her deranged laugh made my hair stand on end. She held up my head and made me watch as Izuku moved around on the table, his face was twisted in discomfort. All of a sudden he screams out. I thrashed around trying to get out more, I felt frustrated. The crazy woman looked at me.

???: Did you hear that blonde boy? He screamed...

I tried to get my hands away from her, she grinned and held up the bloody scalpel. My blood went cold.

Me: No...

???: Yes!

She gripped my hands, and staring into my eyes, a big grin on her face, she silently sliced up the palm of my hand, my mouth opened in a silent scream, I felt my blood drip down my fingers and onto the floor. I looked down and glared at the spot. I looked back up at her and then a sizeable explosion erupted between us where my blood was. The woman was blown back and hit a wall. I watched the blood drip onto the chain. I concentrated and then the chain exploded.

Me: Yes...

The blood dripped onto the tubing in my legs and I exploded those too. The liquid stopped being pumped into me and I fell to the ground, I stayed there for a few moments before getting up, my open wounds throbbing as bits and pieces of metal and glass got stuck in them. I got up and stumbled to the glass, showing Izuku, I smeared my blood on it and stepped back, a moment later an explosion sounded and the breaking of glass. The assistant was getting up, I panicked and whipped my hand in his direction, my blood spattered on his face and body and I jumped through the glass as my blood exploded once more.

The glass dug into my exposed arms and some got stuck in my pants, piercing into my skin. I almost fell as I got to the table and undid the metal bindings.

Me: Izuku?

I picked him up and shook him slightly.

Izuku: Kac....cha...n.....

Me: Yeah, it's me, Kacchan...

He opened his eyes and got up, he jumped into my arms and clung to me. Izuku looked back at me in concern. He took my face in his small hands and tears welled up in his eyes.

Izuku: It... it... it ... it ... it really is... you... *sob*

Me: I'm fine, alright...now we should get out of here...

And just like that, alarms went off all over the place.

Me: And that's our cue to leave.

I picked him up and left the room.

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