Little Dory

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Katsuki POV

Aizawa looked to his side and saw the kid sleeping, he picked him up and handed him to me.

Me: What am I going to do with him?

A deadpanned look was all I got in return.

Aizawa: He is your kid not mine. Take care of him and fulfill that promise. I don't need a drunk problem child again telling me about that.

Me: Aizaw, the kid hates my very presence... And I wasn't drunk.

Aizawa: He doesn't know you. You can change everything just work at it slowly.

Me: How am I supposed to do that when the kid won't even let me say a single sentence.

Aizawa: How about not saying a thing but show him with actions? Did you ever think about that? Observe him, find out what he likes, spoil him, be there for him till he opened up. That is your role as a father now.

Me: I'm not a father!

Aizawa: Then what? Also it's time for you to find out how old he is. You will need a lot of stuff for his age after all.

Taking the kid from him, I adjusted my hold on him and sighed.

Kid (snuggling up): mhhh.....

Breathing a sigh of relief, we walked to the front desk, I asked for his file and thanked the receptionist and got in the car with Aizawa, who had his bag. Looking through it I found some clothes of his and personal items that belonged to his brother.

Me: He's 6... a bratty 6 year old...

Aizawa (whispering): You wanna wake the kid up soo badly huh....

Looking at him I hit him with the file.

Me: What's that supposed to mean?

Aizawa (whispering): Tone it down problem child. He is sleeping in your lap after all.

Wrapping my arm around the kid securely, I stuck my tongue out at him and continued reading the file.

Me: Izuku Midoriya... birthday's July 15th... He's... Quirkless... and his brother has him enrolled in an online school...

Aizawa: What did you say?

My head shot up and I raised an eyebrow.

Me: Huh? What?

Aizawa: His quirk? I think I misheard you.

Me: He's quirkless.

Aizawa: .... *bad omen sigh*

We finally got back to the school grounds. I got out the car, others were still at their internships and would be staying with the heroes their agencies.

Me: I'll take the rest of the two weeks for internships to try and get along with the brat...

Aizawa: Not gonna happen. You are interning with me and Mic from now on till the end of it.

I scowled.

Me: Why?

A shit eating grin was all I got in return.

Aizawa: I wanna see you struggle personally. Why else?

Me: Knew it... So I'll meet you where and at what time?

Aizawa: Mics radio tower at 9 every day from now on. Also I like the kid.

Me(Rolling my eyes): Of course you would... fine but what would I do with the kid? I can't take him out to fight criminals.

Aizawa: Oh no, you misunderstood me. You are staying there helping Mic lightly and just for paper. I will take you out in the evening when the kid is sleeping for that.

Me: Oh... ok... Well I'm going to put him down, must be tired.

Aizawa: Call me if anything happens. Just don't call me when it's night.

I nodded and went inside the dormhouse. After I put the kid on my bed I grabbed a plushie that his brother had given me and placed it on the bedside table. Then I went downstairs and started cooking dinner.

How am I going to do this Inu?

You didn't tell me he was such a character.

I'm gonna have to be extra nice to him.

I was so deep in my head that I was startled out of my thoughts by a thud from my room. Racing up the stairs, and kicking open my door I saw the kid on the floor, looking disoriented. I picked him up and placed him on my chair, I looked him over before patting his cheek.

Me: Glad you're ok Little Dory. I made Katsudon, your brother said it was your favorite.

Kid: It sure is but did you put in it you wicked witch of the west!

I didn't say anything and just walked out the room, when I got back to the kitchen I put some katsudon down in front of him and let him do what he wanted, he didn't eat and just stared at it till I sat down in front of him, my own food in hand.

Me: What?

Kid: Why am I here? Don't you hate me?

Me: I'm your legal guardian, and I don't hate you kid and I don't hate your brother either so will you please eat? I don't want you looking like a stick, my mom will fatten you up herself. And I don't think you'll want liters of hot sauce in your stomach in five minutes.

He stared at me before starting to eat. I smiled to myself before eating. When he was finished he looked around and then stared at me closely.

Me: You can look around if you want, just don't try to go in any of the rooms besides mine, I can show you your brother's room when I finish eating.

Kid: My brother has a room here... Wanna see it!

I didn't say anything and simply started washing the dishes. He continued looking around until I finished and the dishes and motioned for him to follow me. We walked in silence till we got to Inu's room, I opened the door and he ran in and flopped onto the bed, I smiled and watched his attention shift to the bedside table, he picked up the photo and I walked up behind him and stared at what was in his hand. It was the same photo I had as my lockscreen.

Kid: He seemed soo happy....

Not answering, I looked away and stuffed my hands in my sweatpants' pockets.

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