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Katsuki POV

I watch the two leave and then turned around to go back to UA, after I changed into my training uniform, I made my way to training ground Zeta, it was a new one, and it was based off of a overgrown city, it was abandoned and there was the occasional training robot whizzing past you in your peripheral.

I think it's time to sharpen my reflexes.

After activating the robot systems to attack, I readied my quirk and myself before firing myself towards the incoming robots, using my bare strength I ripped some apart and used their body parts to destroy one another. Around two hours later, I was on the ground pating heavily, making my way back to the dorm. I noticed how quiet it was. My phone was heavy in my pocket, when I got back to the dorm building, I showered and put on some clothes. Next I started dinner, I ate and settled on the couch, watching TV. the doorbell rang.

Me: Aizawa?!

I listened for an answer.

???: Delivery service.

Me: Who is it for? I didn't order anything...

I walked up to the door and placed my ear against it.

???: Inumaki Midoriya. This is a return package.

Opening the door I was met with a gun to the face. My eyes widened and I gulped, putting my hands up. There was easily 20 guys here.

???: Where is the kid?

Me: I don't know about any kid.

???: Don't play dumb. Inumaki's brother, the quirkless kid. Where is he?

Me: I don't know! Now why don't you leave?!

Using my quirk I let it light up in the man's face before ducking under him and running off, I heard shouting behind me and I continued sprinting. A few bullets were shot my way, one hit me in the arm.

???: Never mind.. I soo am so not gonna run after an idiot... let's see about hints where the kid could be.....

Crouching behind a tree, I called Aizawa on my phone.

Aizawa: Yes?

Me: Don't bring the kid back.

Aizawa: Didn't plan on doing that. Remember kid for a WHOLE day.

Me: Aizawa, I'm not playing with you, lose the comedic monotoneness.

I hissed as blood ran down my arm

Aizawa: Let me guess, someone is after the kid and just ding donged at your door. Right?

Me: Wow, it's almost as if you read my mind.

Aizawa: So you really didn't notice the guy trailing us the whole time?

Me: Oh, I did.

Aizawa: Congrats that's probably the person because they stopped trailing us as soon as I left the building through another door. I like the kid. So I will take care of him.

Me: Well I'm going to dig a ditch and die in it. Bye.

I hung up on him and got up shakily. The sounds of footsteps echoed through the near empty school grounds,

???: Found you little shitter!

I jumped and was about to run but the man grabbed my injured arm.

Me: You want the kid! Why go after me damnit!

The man ragged me closer, I kicked him hand and he let me go, getting up I ran more, another bullet hit me, this time in the leg.

???: Why are you still trying to run? Oh and of course because you know where the kid is. And you are coming with me.

Me: I really don't and no I'm not!

My arm and leg were both bleeding badly, I heard the intruder alarms finally going off.

Me: You guys should go before heroes flood the school grounds.

???: I don't care about them. I have family too and an obligation to do. I would rather die here than fail my mission.

Me: So you have a family? I'm sorry for them.

A bullet whizzed past my head and lodged into the wall behind me. The man stepped forward and pressed his leg on my arm wound. I hissed and ignored the tears welling up in my eyes.

???: Why be sorry. I will get the job done and then I can see them again.

I raised my good arm and set of another explosion.

Me: Get. The. Fuck. Away from me.

He staggered back and wiped his face. I paled as he took out a taser.

???: You are done shitter!

I felt the electricity course through me, my vision goes dark at the edges, before everything went dark.

Atleast he's safe.


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