Little distraction...

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Katsuki pov

The movie I was watching played but my attention wasn't on it, my brain was going over the past few days and I was starting to feel nervous and the room was starting to feel constricting.

Why does it feel like the room is getting smaller?

Is my vision going dark?

I got up and felt my head spin as the edges of my vision faded. Then I remembered the medication the doctors gave me, I staggered over to my bag and took one of the containers out. It wasn't for any of the symptoms I was having so I put it back and searched for the painkillers as the pain in my head returned, the ringing in my ears wasn't helping.

What the hell is happening to me?

I've never had this much pain after being in the hospital and I was in the hospital for nearly a year once.

Flopping down on the couch, I wrapped myself up in my blanket, careful to not agitate my injuries, the sweater I wore to cover the white bandages coving my torso, made me sweat, the sensation uncomfortable.

Stupid fucking villain,

Saying I knew where the kid was.

I mean I did know where he was, just not where...

I chuckled at my nonsensical thought and continued watching the movie.

I wonder what little Dori is doing...

He seemed.. Sad earlier..

But what for? The kid has always been moody.

I eyed the food on the table and staggered over to grab a box of ramen and sat back down.

I'm gonna kill Aizawa for making me eat ramen.

A small crash in the kitchen startled me and nearly made me drop my cupped Ramen. I stared at the room for a solid minute before green hair popped up from behind the counter, the kid looked sleepy and rubbed his eyes, a cup of steaming tea in hand.

Me: You ok Little Dori?

Dori: Tea.... just some... *yawn*....tea....

He sat next to me and his head bobbed up and down, he looked like a baby ready to fall into restful sleep at any given moment.

Me: Why do you look so tired Dori, Moth-sensei said you slept at their house...

Dori: Because! Reasons.

I nodded and relaxed back on the couch and ate my Ramen.

Dori: I just missed you, you stupid idiot... *yawn* .........*snoozing noises*

My eyes widened, I stared at the now empty cup in his hands. I took it and placed it on the coffee table and readjusted him so he laid in my arms, I was too weak to carry him to his room, since my whole arm was basically paralyzed.

It seems as though Moth man was right...

I'm not telling him that to his face though

When my Ramen was finished, I placed the empty container on the table next to the empty cup and let out a breath. I didn't notice the child in my arms stirring slightly before his eyes opened for a brief minute. The movie was nearly finished and I felt a tug on my sweater. Looking down I saw the kid frowning while looking up at me.

Dori: When did I fall asleep?

I raised an eyebrow and chose to not comment on the fact that he said he missed me.

Me: After you drank your tea...

Dori: Oh...

Me: Mh... is everything ok though? You look really tired still.

Dori: MH! I just wanna hug that epic bed more! Why are you not in your room though? The beds are amazing here! It feels as if you get eaten by them!

A chuckle escapes me, he stared at me and poked my cheek repeatedly.

Me: Kid, I'm not in shape to be sleeping on such things... and will you stop poking my cheek- kid!

Dori: No! And who said that! You really have to try old man!!!

My mouth fell open, I stared at the small child and pinched his nose softly.

Me: Who are you calling old? And my doctor said I need to heal more before I can lay on a bed as soft as the one you just described.

I spoke sadly and sighed.

Dori: NAH-AH! YOU HAVE TOOO! It's perfect for you! PLEEEAAASSSEEEEE!!!!!~~~

Me: Agh! Fine just stop whining in my ear-! Did you just mock me?!

The kid was moving his hand in time with me as I spoke and made weird faces.

Dori: Maybe. Who knows. NOW let's go old man!

He grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room, I just let him and stumbled after the shortie, he looked so excited and I couldn't find it in my heart to make him let me go.

Dori: Look at this room! Look how huge it is! And you are sitting down there all by yourself! What are you? Depressed? Look at the view! Kacchan, the window! OHH MY GOSH LOOK HOW HUGE IT IS! You have flowers too! Can I take one? Ohh what's this? Hmmm.... Is this supposed to be art? What is this supposed to be?

My eyes widened a fraction at the nickname, I smiled and sat on the ground, my legs crossed as he ran around the room talk excitedly about the wonders of the huge room.

Me: I don't know...

We tilted out head in unison, trying to understand the painting.

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