Pomeranian unlocked!

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Izuku's POV:

I started to go through a couple of things before I found something that I didn't think this villain would have and because I thought it would be funny, I took the small teddy bear he had and threw it at him.

Me: Catch!

Right after I threw the bear at him, I dashed to the living room and then flopped on the couch. Of course I waited for a reaction but nothing really came. I did wonder what he did but I also didn't care much about it. I kinda wanted to play something since I got bored or watch something. This was why I was in the living room in front of the TV.

Me: Can I watch something?

???: Sure, But not for long, we're going somewhere tomorrow.

Me: Where?

???: I have my internship with Moth-Sensei and you'll be staying with Present MIc meanwhile.

Me: What's that and who's Moth-Sensei?

???: The tired man.

Me: Oh... Wait did you say Present Mic?

???: Yeah, he's a cool dude, just a little too loud.

Me: Are we gonna be there together?

???: Only for a few hours.

Me: Can I get a notebook then?

???: Your brother has some in his room, so you can use those.

Me: No. I want my own one.

The reason why I refused to take my brother stuff is because I wanted to leave them as they are. I kinda missed my brother but I also didn't wanted to touch them out of respect to him. Besides I wanted to make some notes for the future since I loved watching heroes.

???: Well we can pass by a craft store on the way and you can get anything you want.

Me: Sweet!

At this point, I couldn't wait till tomorrow but I needed to wait for it. Just imagining the possibilities was keeping me entertained. I would ask Mic about his quirk then about his health because I am thinking that he can't hear that well aslo can't see that well and well he does have some issues with his fighting style. Sooo I was about to definitely talk and question the man soo much. This was a one in a life chance to do that!

Me: Pomeranian, do you have something to eat?

Pomeranian: Anything you want in particular?

Me: Just some fruits. Maybe an apple?

Pomeranian: Let me get it for you then.

Me: Wait! I can go get it. Just tell me where it is.

Who knows what there is!

Besides I am not keen to have a poisonous apple.

As I made my way to the kitchen, I could hear the front door opening and two people talking together. It sounded like the Pomeranian and an older woman as well as a man. They immediately went at each other and I just wanted to hide for a bit when I heard them talk to each other. It reminded me of my brother and his girlfriend. Well she was there for just a year or so but she was only sweet to me whenever my brother was around and on the other days she was like a demon since I was quirkless and useless.

So without much of a second throught, I grabbed the apple and went to hide in a cupboard but not any one! NOOO! It had to be the upper one. So I somehow climbed up on the table and then to the shelf and the cupboard. I was kinda happy to see that it was all empty so I could just hide there and close the door listening to the conversation.

Pomeranian: You can't just barge in like this hag.

Woman: So where is the kid, brat?

I get even with him for that.

I call him a villain or a Pomeranian... maybe I should switch to Dandelion... or Terrorist!

Pomeranian: None of your business Banshee, the brat is in the kitchen.

Woman: You calling the sweet angel a brat now? Do you want to get beaten up?

Pomeranian: Wow, hag. I pick up your best friend's son for you and this is the thanks I get.

Woman: Do you even know what was going on with Inumaki and Izuku while you two had your fight and then went your ways?

Wait... so my mom was his mother's friend?

I didn't know about that.

Pomeranian: Not everything but enough.

Woman: Do you even know where the kid is right now or what he is doing? He is just 6 years old after all!


I can do enough!

I am a big boy!

I helped my brother out soo many times!

I know how to clear and cook!

Pomeranian: I'm pretty sure he's hidden away since he is jumpy sometimes, and you just barged in like a raging bull.

Not hiding because of her but you!

I don't wanna deal with you, your family or your friends!

I don't wanna be here!

Woman: Awww how sweet of you brat calling me a raging bull. Then what about your anger issues or the fact that you explode on nearly everyone?

Pomeranian: And whose fault is that? Take a look in the mirror.

Woman: You look just like me so it must have shattered already. Then which mirror should I use if there are no one left here brat?

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