I got lost...kinda...

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Izuku's POV:

I was really really exited to be there at UA and finally see Nezu. Up until now I only heard rumors about him and a picture my brother showed me once. However I was still in front of the building since I was trying to get Katsuki to move faster but it took him forever to enter and now we had to walk to the building and he was just not moving at all.

Me: You know what?!

Katsuki: What?

Me: Fuck you!

Just like that I started to run away from him. The only reason I curse at him was because I heard him use it earlier once and just decided to use it not really knowing anything about anything. Anyways, I left Katsuki behind and could hear him call my name but I didn't quite care at all.

Katuski: Izuku! Be careful!

I still ignored him while I managed to get to the building but then I saw something shiny nearby and dipped into the next little bush. I think I must have looked crazy. Not for sure, I must have looked crazy but I found something like a small hatch or door and actually I opened it and climbed inside or slid inside. I don't know it was an accident and I was just curious so I opened it and then fell down while it closed without making a sounds.


Not sure if he could hear me, I decided to call out but nothing came in return at all.

What do I do now?

Am I supposed to walk on or...

I can't see anything though!

It's soo dark here!

Without any lights it was hard to try and open the door and I started to panic a bit but I felt more or less more curious about where the path was leading to actually stay in place and started to crawl around. This path was big enough to actually be there but then I heard the Dandelions voice from behind me. I think he found the hatch and opened it to call my name.

Katuski: Izuku!? Are you down here?!

Me: I am fine.

Katsuki: What the fuck? Why are you down there?!

Me: I don't know... it kinda happened.

Katuski: Can you climb out?

Me: I don't think I can turn around.

Katuski: Oh great... I guess... hmm.

Me: ahm... I can go on there is a path though!

Katuski: But where does it lead to.. I don't want you to be in danger.

Me: I can't see down here... but isn't this a hero school? What can happen?

I was honestly surprised to hear him worried about me here. There was literally nothing to be worried about since this was a hero school. Why should anything try to hurt me or actually kill me here? Did that make any sense at all. Anyways, I decided to try and crawl back but that was definitely not a good idea since I quickly felt something and panicked even more crawling further away in front of me not really knowing where till there was a drop.


It surprised me and didn't really hurt since it was actually a small one.

Katuski: Izuku?!

Me: I am fine.

Katuski: Kid, what happened?

Me: There was a small drop and I didn't see it.

Katuski: Be careful!

Me: Ahm... Ama still go on....

Katsuki: Alright...

Just a bit further, and I started to feel something soft touching me. It scared me a bit and I shrieked back but then I heard a voice.

???: Did you get lost?

Me: Kinda.

???: Can you follow me?

Me: I can't see.

???: Just follow my voice alright?

Me: Okay.

I started to follow the voice whenever they said go left they would wait and tap my hand when the turn was and when there was a right turn, he did the same thing in right. It was kinda calming that he was there with me and soon we kinda got out and found ourselves in a wide and spacious room. It was really nice looking and that when I saw that the one leading me away from that situation was none other than Nezu. Guess what I did when I noticed it? Yup! I straight up went for a dive and hugged him.

Soo soft!

He really is soft!

The fun part here was that he actually let me do this too.

Nezu: Calmed down enough?

Me: Mh... oh sorry.

Nezu: Don't be. I heard a bit about you.

Me: You did?

Nezu: Aizawa told me quite a bit about you.

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