We got a problem!

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Bakugo's POV:

While talking to my mom, Izuku came up to my and handed me the phone, I excused myself and went outside to answer the call. After I took a look at the caller ID, I grumbled and answered.

Me: What do you want you under developed moth?

Aizawa: We found some hints about the case and have a big suspicion what they want to do with your kid.

The mock anger in my system was gone now.

Me: What did you find out?

Aizawa: Your kid is quirkless, right?

Me: Yeah.

Aizawa: Ever heard about experiments on quirkless kids?

Me: I heard the rumours... are they targeting him?

Aizawa: Yes. We found a laboratory earlier under Nezu's guidance and he is one of the kids on the list.... In fact he is the only quirkless kid left in the town.

My heart dropped to my stomach, looking through the window, I saw Izuku talking animatedly to my parents who gave him their full attention. The silence between my teacher and I went on for a good 2 minutes before Aizawa cleared his throat, effectively catching my attention.

Me: Aizawa, what does this mean for my kid?!

I didn't notice the volume of my voice till I watched inside again and saw Izuku and my parents looking at me.

Aizawa: Did you just scream at me? More important did the kid hear you?

Me: Don't try and change the subject moth man, is my kid in danger?

A sigh, I zoned out, the beating of my heart pounding in my ears.

Aizawa: Are you completely deaf now? What do you think? He is still on the list and I never said that we actually caught the villain. We just found the hideout and the dead bodies....

My breath hitched and I felt my heart rate speed up.

Me: Aizawa, how close are you to catching him? Please tell me you atleast...

The silence spoke for itself, Aizawa took a deep audible breath.

Aizawa: As of now... we don't have any lead about the villain at all. We just know what they are doing and we only stumbled upon this because the guy who attacked you told us the whereabout of this lab but he didn't know who actually hired him at all.

I nodded as if he could see me, We spoke more and I asked any questions I had to he did the same. When I finally hung up I went back inside.

Hag: Brat, why do you look so pale? Is everything alright?

Izuku was staring at me, I avoided eye contact with hima nd looked at my mom.

Me: I-I can't reall say...

Izuku ran up to me and gripped my hand in his small ones.

Izuku: Dandelion?

Me: Yeah shortstack? What's wrong?

Izuku: Why did you scream?

My body tensed and I bit my lip.

Me: So you guys heard?

Izuku: How can we not? You sounded like a fire alarm!

I snickered and gripped his hand back reassuringly.

Me: I just got some unfavorable news, it's...

Izuku: Hm? What is it?

Aizawa: Is the kid there?

I jumped at the voice. I wasn't expecting to hear his voice.

Me: You're still on call?

Aizawa: Yes... tell him you have to go back since internships are about to end.

Me: Zuku, we're going back to UA soon, internships are about to end... Hey Aizawa...

Izuku: Nooo! I don't wanna!!!!! It was soo short and soo much fun sticking with them!

Aizawa: Yeah?

Me: Does Izuku have to stay at UA? Can't he like stay with my parents on weekdays and spend the weekends with me?

Aizawa: Are they heroes? No and you know as long as they are out there, there is no place he is safer than UA or us heroes.

Me: But you know who, literally turned up at the dorms the last time they were looking for him, one of those dumbasses would let them in if it were to happen again...

Aizawa hummed and seemed to be thinking.

Aizawa: Who said he is staying in the student dorms?

Me: So he'll be staying with you guys?

I watched Izuku stare up at me, his eyes glowing with confusion.

Me: Izuku, where do you want to stay?

Izuku: What do you mean?

Aizawa: You have to sign a paper thought.... Nezu insists on this....

Me: When we go back to UA, do you want to stay with the teachers or with me?

Izuku: Can I stay with that teddy?

I suppressed a cackle with a small snicker.

Me: You mean Nezu?

Izuku: That mickey mouse! I wanna hug him!

Aizawa: Oh no.... *sigh*

My hag laughed behind me and patted me on the back.

Me: Yeah him... Aizawa, I'll sign the papers when we get back.

Aizawa: Well that definitely makes up for what Nezu had in store for you.... All details tomorrow.... *piep**piep**piep*

Sassy little GremlinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ