"Yeah yeah. Edward looks constipated. Everyone already knows this. Let's hurry up! It's been too long since I got to get together with the Denalis," Emmett said in frustration. He had already headed back to the car he was in before. He patted the roof, "Let's go!"

"Why is he so excited to visit your primos?" Serafina wondered aloud.

"He has sex with the sisters whenever we visit," Edward said with disgust.

Serafina froze, with her mouth in a pout from blowing her nails as her face slowly turned to a look of horror, "with your primos?"

Jasper frowned as well. He suspected they might not be related, but he wasn't sure about this family's dynamics. He was very uncomfortable with the phrasing.

Their thoughts then made Edward uncomfortable, "Oh god no! They're not actually our cousins! No relation whatsoever!"

Everyone now understood where the confusion lay. They were horrified as well.

"We met the Denalis years back. We discovered they were also on the diet, and we became fast friends. Remember how I told you it was easier to build relationships when not fighting over human blood? It's very true. There was no fighting over territory. We just spoke to each other. Each coven still sticks to and cares for each other more. But it was easy to learn to trust them and become allies, and we trusted each other enough to consider each other family after a few years together." Carlisle explained with a soft smile.

Esme hugged him as she smiled at Jasper, "We've missed them. Jasper, this was a blessing in disguise. We wanted you three to meet them for a while now. You'll like them. You'll see."

"Can you tell me more about them?" Alice asked while practically jumping up and down.

"Yes! They lived so long! Such exciting tales! I'll let them tell you more themselves. Still, I'll tell you about how many years ago they were considered succubus," Esme began, "Or is that succubi?" she shook her head with uncertainty, "And then years later, they met Eleazar and Carmen. Oh, I love Carmen. She is such a sweet woman," she moved from Carlisle over to put her arm around Alice's shoulder to calm her down as she walked toward Rosalie's car.

The talk of a succubus myth brought Serafina a bit of competitiveness: "Are they pretty?" she asked.

"Why does that matter?" Rosalie asked, beginning to glare at Serafina. Her jealousy was now aroused.

"You're right. It doesn't matter," Serafina nodded, returning to her nails and ignoring the others' conversation, "I bet we're prettier."

Rosalie's jealousy dissipated as she began to chuckle at her mate. She was looking at her with so much love.

Esme shook her head at the two, "Well, anyways, I can tell you more about them before we meet! Let's ride in the convertible."

"Too much talking, not enough driving! Let's go!" Emmett began honking the horn to the car to annoy everyone into action.

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