"So..was it you know..your first.." Sasuke asked me shyly. I laughed. For some reason him being so awkward and shy about talking about my sex life made me burst out laughing. We had been talking about other things I had noticed in the room I was in such as other kekki genkai but Sasuke had decided to ask the personal question I knew he had been wondering for the past day. 

"You're so awkward." I said between my laughing. He mumbled something that I couldn't understand. "This isn't a forbidden subject, you don't have to be so embarrassed about it." I joked. Over the past few days, Sasuke and I had spent them mostly talking to each other.

 Since I couldn't see he had to help me do a lot of things. Which was awkward at first but it cause me to start returning to my old self. I was still very upset about what had happened but Sasuke helping me really brighten my mood, especially since I had never seen this side of him before,

"But to answer your question it was." I said, "but I don't really count it because I think doing that with someone should be because you love them and you both genuinely want to create that bond with each other. That's why I've always wanted to wait until I marry to have sex. That way it's something special between just me and my husband." I tried to explain. "That probably didn't make much sense sorry.." 

"No, it did." He said. 

"So what about you?" I asked with a mischievous smile. 

"I...haven't.." he started to mumble. I gave a small laugh. 

"The Sasuke Uchiha, who every single girl had a crush on and dreamed of marrying...hasn't been with a single girl yet." I teased. I could feel him rolling his eyes. 

"I've been busy," he said, "and it wasn't exactly on my mind." Normally I wouldn't be comfortable talking about this with people but somehow it felt easy to talk to Sasuke. "Besides I rather just wait until I find the right person, someone who I want to marry and spend my life with." I nodded understanding where he was coming from.

Sasuke's hand suddenly gripped my hand tightly. I heard the door open and foot steps walk in. 

"Aw," the familiar voice of the man I hated said, "how cute." He must be referencing me and Sasuke. The footsteps drew nearer and I felt another hand grab my wrist tightly pulling me up.  

"Don't touch her." Sasuke threatened pulling me back. I had described what the man looked like and told him his name was Ibiki. Sasuke must've recognized him. I gave Sasuke's hand a squeeze before letting go and mouthing 'I'll be fine' before going with my abuser. I heard Sasuke follow me only to be stopped by a chain. I had memorized where he had kept his keys and had plenty of time to figure the right way to grab them. 

Just as Ibiki turned and said something to Sasuke I felt my fingers wrap around a set of keys. I lifted them up and off the hook they had been resting on and dropped them on the ground before leaving the room. Sasuke would be able to release himself from his chains and open the door to come follow me. 

I lead down a hallway and into a room. I had hoped that it was the same one as before. I had used my nail to make a mark on one of the counters before leaving the room I was in before. If I could find that mark then I would know for sure that this was the same room as before and that this room held the chakra release serum and my eyes. 

As I walked through the room I used my hand to feel around on the counter. I was hoping it looked like I was just trying to find my way through the room since I couldn't see instead of me searching. Either way the man didn't say anything and began to rummage around the room. 

I heard his footsteps come towards me and I began to panic I hadn't found the mark. Was I in a different room? Or was I truly just blind and not looking in the right place. Just as he grabbed my wrist I felt it. The small slit in the wood. I had ruined my nail to leave that mark but it was worth it. 

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