"I guess we both had good brothers then," I said, I saw Sasuke's lips turn upward slightly. 

"Guess we did." 

"By the way what does this mean?" I said taking two fingers and poking Sasuke's forehead. Sasuke looked a bit surprised by what I did, and even a faint pink formed on his cheeks. "You said you would tell me eventually. So what does it mean?" 

"It's something my brother used because he was always too busy to train with me." I gave him a questioning look. 

"That doesn't tell me what it means or why you did it to me." 

"It means you're annoying," he deadpanned. 

"Ouch," I said pretending to be offended. "Couldn't be that you've told me a hundred times." I leaned up against his ear and whispered. "I know that's not what it means so I'll ask you again later." I honestly still didn't know what it meant but I knew it couldn't be just simply that I was annoying. There was silence for a few minutes before Sasuke broke it. 

"I like your hair." He said. 

"Huh?" I said subconsciously feeling my hair. "That's random." 

"I like that you grew it out." He specified. 

"Oh, thanks.." I said, "you know I've had this hair for a while now." I pointed out. I had brown my bangs out after the war and had worn my hair like this since. He shrugged. He reached out and touched the end of my hair. 

"I like that it's longer now," he said, "I think it looks good on you." I laughed. 

"So the rumor from when we were kids is true?" He gave a confused look. "That you like girls with long hair." He rolled his eyes. 

"I don't even know when that started." He said, "I'm surprised you remembered me from when we were kids." 

"I mean I was in your class." I said to him, "you're kinda hard to forgot." 

"Hn, I thought you left early." 

"I did," I said, "but I only graduated a year earlier so I got to enjoy your gloomy presence for a few years." 

"What did you do after you graduated?" He asked, "I never saw you until when we met during the war." 

"I went off and trained for a few years, then I came and the third hokage had just died and Lady Tsunade became hokage. So I applied to anbu." A bittersweet smile formed. "I honestly don't know how my younger self thought I could make anbu when I hadn't even been on a genin team...but I guess Tsunade thought differently and I joined and stayed in anbu until I left after the war." I smiled, "but now I'm just a regular jounin." 

As I finished speaking door to the cell opened and the man from before walked in. He had food and placed it down before us. 

"Eat quickly," he said glaring at us, but mostly me. "I'll be back in a few minutes, for you." He didn't specify who 'you' was but I had a bad feeling it was me. We began to eat out food in silence. 

"When he comes back for one of us I think that's our best chance to gather information." I said to Sasuke. He nodded. 

It wasn't long before the man returned. He glared at us and grabbed my wrist pulling me up from my sitting position. He removed it from my current chain and reattached it to the one before, that tied both my wrist together. He then grabbed me and pulled me out of the door way. I gave Sasuke one last look before I was taken into the dark hallway. 

The man brought me into room that reminded me of a laboratory. It had chemicals on the wall in shelves and a metal table with clasps. The man forced me down on to the table, untying my wrists and clasping them into the ones attached on either side of me on the metal table. 

My Love For You |Naruto Various x Girl Reader|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora