Pennsylvania 1952

Depuis le début

Emmett cleared his throat exaggeratedly as he held his arms open with a large grin. The two women looked at him as he waved them over to himself. He was signaling them to embrace himself too.

Rosalie slightly moved about to head over to him but felt a pinch to her waist that pulled her back. She pretended not to feel anything but looked at Serafina as they had a brief conversation with their eyes. Both women held each other, and while Serafina brought her face closer to Rosalie's neck to hide in her hair, she kept her eyes on Emmett as she tried to hide her grin. The other Cullens held back their chuckles, curious about what they were doing.

Rosalie then gave Emmett a perfunctory nod, "Thanks, Em!" Then she gripped Serafina tighter, pretending he wasn't there, as Serafina shoved her face into her shoulder to stop herself from laughing.

Emmett's face dropped. He was about to whine when Rosalie finally gave in and started laughing. She then walked over and dragged Serafina so the two could hug Emmett briefly, "Thank you! I appreciate it. You were much more helpful than others who shall remain nameless." She said, and the three glared obviously at the other Cullen teens.

"We gave moral support," Jasper smiled, "One could argue that our positive thinkin' put it all together."

"It's always a matter of positive thinking," Alice agreed, nodding seriously in agreement with Jasper.

"You have to be present to give moral support," Carlisle said off-handedly as he and Esme walked toward the house, both snickering to themselves. He put his hand on Rosalie's shoulder as he walked by, "I'm very proud of you, young lady. You said you'd fix it, and you did. And it's impressive. Coat of paint, and it'll look brand new. Let me know if you want any help with that."

"Thanks, Carlisle!" Rosalie said with her chin slightly lifted, proud of herself as well.

"We can handle that ourselves, right, Rosalie?" Esme asked, giving her a look as though Carlisle's offer was a joke, "We've been getting everything in town together for the repairs. We've got this."

"You just help with the shopping part. We were here doing the hard work," Emmett mumbled. He looked at Serafina as though looking for support. Serafina looked at him wide-eyed and shook her head nervously as she stepped away from him.

"What was that, Em?" Esme asked with a raised brow as she sped over to him to put her hand on his shoulder.

"Nothing! I didn't say anything," Emmett jumped.

"Right," Esme grinned. She patted his cheek before she returned to Carlisle's side.

"I'll go with you two when you go for the paint!" Alice happily offered.

"No!" Emmett shot down her offer, offended.

Serafina smacked him, "I think that's a great idea!" she began.

Edward's brows furrowed as he tried to walk away, but Serafina quickly grabbed his arm.

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