𝐢𝐢. 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝

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| Taos

January 6, 09:58 MST

At S.T.A.R. Labs, Nightwing, Silk, Green Lantern, Captain Atom, Wonder Woman, and Eduardo Dorado Sr. wait for the return of Zeta Squad.

"We have received the Rannian signal. They are arriving now," Dorado Sr. informs the heroes.

"Recognized. Adam Strange. A-1-1."

"Miss Martian. B-0-7."

"Superboy. B-0-6."

"Beast Boy. B-1-9."

"Nightwing! Silk! Check out my super cool alien souvenir!" Beast Boy exclaims with joy.

"Gar. Business first," M'gann tells the boy telepathically.

"Noted," he replies in the mind link.

"Zeta Squad. Report," Nightwing orders.

"Our mission to neutralize the Krolotean Zeta Platforms on Rann was a success," Ms. Martian informs the heroes.

"I have also brought back specs from Rann to create a Zeta Shield to prevent any more aliens from beaming to Earth from off-world," Strange displays a holographic view of the Earth.

"How will that affect our own Zeta capabilities?" Captain Atom wonders.

"It won't, the shield will activate at an altitude above the Watchtower's orbit. League Zeta Tubes will still function normally," Strange explains.

"Tell them about Rimbor. Tell them about the sixteen hours," Beast Boy tells the Martian, causing Nightwing and Silk to snap their heads in surprise toward the Martian and young boy.

"It may be easier to show you," the Martian speaks in the mind link.

"I successfully interrogated a Krolotean general on Rann who had paid off a member of the Rannian Science Command to allow the Kroloteans to land a secret base in the Rannian jungle. Once there, the Kroloteans stole Zeta Platform technology from Adam Strange's friend, Sardath. They landed another ship in New Orleans and used the Zeta Platforms to beam a few hundred Kroloteans to Earth. They built more platforms, brought in more Kroloteans, and began abducting and replacing humans," M'gann displays in the mind link.

"Perhaps as part of an invasion strategy. Though that's still unclear," the Martian states.

"But why Earth?" Captain Atom asks the Martian.

"And what does any of this have to do with the sixteen hours?" Wonder Woman questions.

"Well, as you know, five years ago, Vandal Savage placed the entire League under his control. Six Leaguers. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, and Hawkwoman went missing for a full sixteen hours. It turns out you were teleported to a planet called Rimbor where you spent sixteen hours on a rampage, attacking everyone and everything in sight and announcing in several alien languages that you were the Justice League from Earth and the rest of the galaxy should beware," Ms. Martian illustrates.

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