I better get an explanation as to why she has been ill for quite some time while I was gone. So many things crossed my mind as to what might be the cause. I have just arrived this morning around eight and it is already four in the afternoon.

It took me two days to get back from Mount Kyoko to only hear this?

I stomped towards the infirmary manner rather vigorously. I pushed the shoji door open walking in to only be halted by a female nurse. She held a stern look; rather disdained and annoyed. "What business do you have here?" she grunted rather annoyed at my presence.

"Is Ramiko around? I have to see her." I said rather eager. "Hmm... so you say Ramiko?" She placed her index finger to her chin thinking as she went over to the main desk to grab a wooden clipboard. Flipping pages as she went, I felt my patience drop drastically. I am definitely not a patient person.


"Huh, what is it?!"

"Nobody can see her at the moment. Her room is restricted at the moment. So only her attendants, the nurses, as well as the doctors of this place can see her and tend to her only. This reason seems very highly confidential." she responded as I nodded contently biting my bottom lip in nervousness.

Damnit Ramiko, I am hoping this isn't as bad as it seems.


I turned on my heals to be met with the only familiarized black orbs that peered at the corners of my eyes.


"So, I heard you're back already. So you heard about Ramiko?" he said with contempt standing mere inches away from me. "Well aren't you suppose to be happy or are you disconsolately unhappy that I am back? Also, yes I heard of my friend's condition Madara-sama." His name rolled off my tongue hastily.

"I guess a little bit of both for the first part that you're back. Seems like you've matured a lot since last time I have seen you, also you wouldn't be seeing Ramiko any time soon. Seems like her condition is highly critical that inflicted upon her. They wouldn't tell me a thing as well even if I demanded an answer." He responds solemnly crossing his arms. I opened my mouth to say something but something caught my eyes that peered around the corner.

"Oi! Madara!"

Catching both of us off guard, Izuna came running towards us panting quickly before continued speaking:

"Nii-san, the Nikkō clan is supposed to be arriving within a week and we need to make arrangements, beforehand and organize everything thoroughly. Don't you want to meet your soon to be wedded wife?" Izuna asked as I felt oblivious to what was going on.

Madara is betrothed to someone else?

Why do I feel slightly affected by the feeling of unhappiness stinging throughout my body just now? And he hasn't even met her and they're coming so soon. Who are they?

"Get lost Izuna! I even sent them a letter yesterday saying I cancel the arrangements to this ridiculous agreement that my father and their leader made stating that I am the clan leader now. So they sent a letter back regarding that they insist on this marriage to happen. How redonculous of that clan thriving with power and greedy humans they are. I don't care about this alliance between them, they don't hold anything that I desire. They're just some greedy clan," Madara scolded him rolling his eyes annoyingly at his younger brother.

"But-" Madara raised his hand, "I do not want to speak about this."

So that clan is still coming within a week...?

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