Ragini accuses Swasan of Kidnapping: Part 10

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Laksh glares at Swara while leaving and Swara returns the glare.

After 10 minutes Swara comes down wearing this.

Laksh starts questioning Swara that where is Ragini

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Laksh starts questioning Swara that where is Ragini. Swara replies she doesn't know.

Laksh says that Ragini's phone is found in her room. How can she not know?

Swara says she doesn't know how Ragini's phone came in her room.

Laksh checks Ragini's phone and finds
Swara's message to meet in my room at 6 am today. He get furious at Swara and says that she is lying as she herself has asked Ragini to come to meet her in her room. He shows her the message.

Swara is shocked seeing the message and says that she hasn't sent any message. Laksh takes Swara's phone and show her the same message. Swara is appalled but again say that she doesn't know. Everyone starts doubting Swara before they could voice their thoughts Sanskaar comes back and asks why they so furious at Swara.

Laksh asks Sanskaar where was he? Sanskaar answers I had gone for my morning jog and gym as usual.

Laksh says you are lieing, you and your so called wife has done something to Ragini.

Sanskaar says what rubbish you are speaking Laksh. Durgaprasad tells Sanskaar everything and that the proofs are against Swara.

It was 7:30 am and Both Shekhar and Sharmishtha have come to take their respective daughters. Or in Shekhar's case also talk to Durgaprasad ji.

Durgaprasad asks what are you doing here Shekhar ji? He replies that Ragini wants to spend sometime with us and I also wanted to talk to you about something.

Laksh tells Shekhar everything and Shekhar immediately turns in anger towards Swara and goes to her and say what has my daughter done to you that you are punishing her. Everytime I think you can't stoop lower, but everytime you prove me wrong. It's better to be fatherless than having a daughter like you. You are dead to me. I have only one daughter Ragini. She was terrified that you and your husband would do something to her but I didn't want to believe that but you proved wrong. I am ashamed to share blood with you.

Swara cries

Sharmishtha intervenes and say how can you say this Shekhar

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Sharmishtha intervenes and say how can you say this Shekhar. Without listening to her you are just accusing her. That's not right. I won't let my Shona suffer and hear your accusations. My lawyer said that divorce papers would be ready by today afternoon. I will sign it and you better sign it without creating any drama like your mother.

She turns to Maheshwari family and says that my Shona is innocent and it will be proved one day as God is always with the truth and you all who are pointing fingers at her would regret it. Let's go Shona.

Shekhar says till Ragini is not found they won't go.

Laksh suggests to look outside as Sanskaar just came from outside.

Shekhar and Laksh went outside and passed through Sanskaar's car, Ragini started her drama.

They both opened the car boot and find Ragini. Ragini accuses Swasan for this and starts crying and suddenly faints.

Laksh bring her in the house and Shekhar follows him.

Laksh calls the doctor and tries to wake up Ragini. Shekhar goes to slap Swara but Sharmishtha stops him and says that you have full faith in your one daughter but refuses to give benefit of doubt to the other daughter. You never considered me and Swara as your own, had you did you wouldn't be accusing Shona like this instead you would have been looking for the truth. You should wear bangles in your hand because you are useless, spineless and a black spot in name of a man, husband, father.

Shekhar shouts Sharmishtha. Swara says not to shout at my mother or you will see the worst of me. Everyone is shocked at change in Swara's demeanor. The girl who was bitterly crying just a few moments ago, now is roaring like a lionness.

Precap: Swasan out of Maheshwari mansion

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