Aradhya's journal continued: Part 27

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After few journal entries,

Dear Journal,

I saw this dumb Swara reuniting ma with that coward spineless creature. I felt like banging her head. Can't she get this in her head she is ruining hers and her mother's life by letting him in. He would never stand by them. But I can't do much. This is Swara's life, I am just her shadow.

- Aradhya Bose

Dear Journal,

I came to know that Swara is going to marry that monkey Laksh. I felt like vomitting when I came to know that. I hope that he is not like Mr Shekhar Gadodia.

- Aradhya Bose

Dear Journal,

I woke up and I am in arms of some guy but that is not that monkey Laksh. It's his brother Sanskaar. I don't get it where I am and why I am with him. What is this Swara doing?

But the guy is atleast handsome and cute. Aradhya behave he doesn't even know about you.

- Aradhya Sanskaar Maheshwari

Dear Journal,

I came to know what all happened. I wanted to kill this nagini, Laksh, and Gadodia family.

I promised myself that now I won't be living in Swara's shadow anymore. I would come out where Swara falls weak.

I started this by throwing a vase at Durgaprasad.

- Aradhya Sanskaar Maheshwari

Like this Sanskaar reads the entire journal and has tears in his eyes. He understands Aradhya's loneliness and her view point.

She didn't do anything wrong but she still had to suffer.

Sanskaar says, I have to bridge the gap between the two. I have to show Swara Aradhya's journal. Maybe then they can understand each other better. Also I will ask Aradhya to write a letter to Swara telling her all that she thinks about her.

With this thought in mind, Sanskaar goes to his room and sleeps with a determined expression.

Next morning

Swasan are getting ready and Sanskaar is waiting for Aradhya to show up.

Suddenly, the demeanor of Swara changes into Aradhya.

Sanskaar says Swara.

I am Aradhya, she says.

Sanskaar says I wanted to give you back your journal.

Aradhya got mad and says how can you take my journal and read it. It's mine.

Sanskaar says that we are husband and wife too. Don't you think I have the right to know about you? What better place than your journal? There shouldn't be any secrets between husband and wife.

Aradhya calms down a bit but says next time ask me before taking it.

Sanskaar says ok. Can you do one thing for me?

Aradhya continue to look at Sanskaar.

Can you write a letter to Swara telling her all that you feel about her?

As soon as Aradhya hears the name Swara she frowns.

Sanskaar says don't make such faces. Earlier you couldn't do it as Swara wasn't aware of you but now she is. It would be out of your system. And I need your permission to show Swara your journal.

Aradhya thinks for a moment and says ok I will write a letter for Swara but who give that to her. Me says Sanskaar.

Aradhya says ok and gives permission for the journal by saying she should also know how much she has taken from me.

They both go down for breakfast and left for work.

(Aradhya went to Sanskaar to his office, once she is finished the letter then she would go to her office)

Once the letter is finished, Aradhya gives it to Sanskaar and he drops Aradhya to her office.

At evening

Sanskaar comes to pick up Swaradhya and head towards Maheshwari mansion.

Once they have the dinner, everyone go to their rooms to sleep

At Swasan room

Sanskaar tells Swara that Aradhya has written a letter for her.

Swara says why would she do that?

Sanskaar says I asked her to do that. And you both are in one body so it's not possible for you both to communicate with each other.

He further adds that before reading the letter, I am warning you it might contain a lot of hurtful words for you.

Swara nods her head and begins to read the letter

Dear Swara

First thing is I hate you from the bottom of my heart. Who am I? You were not aware of me all your life. I am that girl who was made a shadow of yours just because you were too good, friendly, bubbly and understanding. I hate you for that.

My name was Aradhya Bose but now it's Aradhya Sanskaar Maheshwari. You heard that right Swara, Sanskaar didn't just marry you. He married me too while marrying you.

In childhood, I used to retaliate against the people who were either mean to me or my family. Because I  didn't like that, so when given a choice she without any hesitation picked you because it was easy for Swaradhya to live as you. I hate you for it. Not only this they stopped taking my name and changed Swaradhya 's name to yours. I was completely gone from their lives.

I had to watch all that in silence and bear that pain for 17 years all alone. This is not the only reason why I hate you.

I hate you because you reunited my ma with Shekhar Gadodia for your selfishness. Because you couldn't handle without having a father. Because of you my ma's live got ruined again. She and Dida had to listen so much because of your decisions.

Had you not reunited them, this wouldn't have happened.

I hate you for the fact that you were willing to change yourself for your in laws. Remember Swara nothing is more important than your own identity and self respect. But you became so much blind in your love for Laksh that you forgot that.

Now, see none of those relations are with you but your ma and Dida. They were the ones who trusted you and you did this with them. Yet for them you are the golden child and I am an evil child.

I am warning you Swara if you try to ruin this marriage with Sanskaar and try to overpower me then you will see the worst of me.

And one more thing, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.

With hatred
Aradhya Sanskaar Maheshwari

Swara has tears in her eyes seeing the hatred Aradhya has for her.

Sanskaar gives her his handkerchief to wipe her tears.

Sanskaar says here is Aradhya's journal.

Swara takes it and reads it, she couldn't believe Aradhya's life. The journal brought tears in her eyes.

Swara says no wonder she hates me so much. Because of me she had to live like a shadow, in silence with nobody to talk to.

Swara starts crying and hugs Sanskaar.

After sometime

Swara is calm and Sanskaar says everybody loves roses, nobody likes thorns but they need each other to survive. Same is your and Aradhya's case Swara. You both need each other to survive.

You are right Sanskaar, I am going to write a letter for her. Can you give it to her?

Sanskaar says yes.

Swara starts writing the letter for Aradhya, gives it to Sanskaar and sleeps.

After a few minutes Sanskaar also comes to bed and sleep.

Precap: Aradhya forgiving Swara

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