She opened her mouth to give the princess her false answer when the princess cut her off "do not answer that Aurora. I doubt you'll speak the truth" Aurora was certain that the princess had read the look on her face before saying that. "If you don't regret it then come meet me at my chambers tonight and if you do then," she left the words unsaid and turn to go, but Aurora decided to ask her the same question. It has been troubling her mind and the princess's answer would make her decide if she would go to her chambers tonight or not.

"What about you your highness," Amber stopped in her tracks "do you hate it? Do you hate me for committing such abomination towards you?"

She watched the princess stand still for a moment, her fist clench. Aurora already assumed the answer, but she waited to hear it straight from those lips.

The princess finally turn towards Aurora and approach her with hurried steps. Before Aurora could contemplate what was going on, the princess grabbed her arm, pulled her forward and kissed her, hard.

Aurora's brain seem to turn to mush at the touch of their lips. Every part of her body was tingling from the small contact and as Amber pulled away, she wished to pull her back and connect their lips. Just so she could feel that thrill again.

With her lips ghosting over Aurora's and their breaths heavy and mixing together, Amber said "I hope that answers your question" and she walked away, leaving Aurora flushed and with a beating heart.

The days after Aurora sneak out of Amber's chambers were nothing but torture. Amber felt like she was running mad cause she knew the golden haired maiden has been avoiding her.

Questions ran through her mind as she wondered if what Aurora did were nothing more but a mistake. Was it all because she was drunk?

Amber realized that the thought of those questions being true irritated her. Yes she was confused by her feelings for the maiden. She had thought that she only needed a friend who she could really trust, but what if she wanted more from Aurora?

Amber wasn't sure. She was confused, scared even for even thinking about Aurora, a woman; in such way. But she couldn't help it. She couldn't help being drawn to those eyes, that angelic face, those lips.

Amber had been bewitched from day one, but she was just now realizing it. She was utterly whipped for the beautiful golden haired maiden.

Which is why she couldn't sit still in her chambers as she pace about, waiting for Aurora to make an appearance.

Amber had never been so scared.

What if she doesn't come?

What if it really was a mistake?

What if Amber was the only one having this feelings that are almost driving her crazy?

Amber hoped she wasn't, so she waited, waited anxiously for the girl who had stolen her heart so suddenly.

She only saw a shadow outside her chambers and she rush towards the doors. She was about to open it but hesitated.

Maybe Aurora was still having second thoughts, maybe she didn't really want to come here. If that was the case, Amber didn't want to pressure her by immediately opening the door to welcome her.

She waited for Aurora to announce her presence instead.

She waited for Aurora to make a choice herself.

She didn't have to wait long "your highness?" She heard the lovely whispered louder than she should and for the first time, a small chuckle slip out through her lips. She had never been this happy and relieved.

This time she opened the door confidently and was met with those ocean pool of blue.

Her heart was jubilating and she couldn't stop it "you came?" She mumbled lowly, almost like she couldn't believe it herself that Aurora came.

Aurora smiled brightly, "it wasn't a mistake your highness. It was what I have always wanted to do from the very moment I set my eyes on you"

Amber's heart glowed with joy. She had never felt this thrilled in her entire life. She could still remember that those were the same words Aurora said, right before she kissed her.

Amber reached forward and pulled Aurora into a warm loving hug. It was everything Aurora dreamed of, warm and peaceful.

"Thank you Aurora. I feared I lost you before I could even have you" Amber whispered tightening her hold on the other girl.

Aurora hugged her back, burying her face in the princess's chest "I should be the one thanking you your highness. Thank you for not hating me"

Amber chuckled, "believe me I realize I could never hate you from the very moment you saved my life. I couldn't hate you even with a face like that of a woman I despise"

Aurora's heart felt peaceful. She was glad. So so glad.

A FORBIDDEN LOVE TO REMEMBER (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now