The two felt closer than ever after Serafina's and Rosalie's heart-to-heart. They even became more physical. Once Serafina knew about Rosalie's past, she changed her approach to intimacy. She vocalized what she would do more often and became much more gentle. Serafina never took it too far, paying extra attention to Rosalie's comfort. Any hint of hesitation would lead to her stopping her actions immediately. She would never push Rosalie too far, but she tried to help her.

Serafina had even made it a point to walk around the mansion naked to get Rosalie more comfortable with nudity. It was meant as a tease at first—a joke. And Rosalie was embarrassed, but when Serafina attempted to cover up, Rosalie told her to stop. That she would get used to it. That she wanted to get used to it. It didn't take long for Rosalie to feel comfortable doing the same, much to Serafina's enjoyment. Her comfort with this eventually led to now, their night together—their first time.

Now their bond was solidified. Neither other couple at home had told them how the mate bond worked. Not really. Carlisle and Esme would say they needed to deepen the bond. That was all the direction they were given. After their intimacy, the actual sex between the two. The true expression of their love. It was instinctual. They both knew the bond was complete. There was a connection between the two that was only slightly felt before; now, it was more pronounced. The two were very aware of each other's feelings. They also had a very high clinginess for each other before, possibly from insecurity at the bond not being complete. Now that they had the bond, it was a type of reassurance deep in the bones that allowed them to be comfortable even apart. Not that they wanted to be apart, but they always wondered how Esme and Carlisle could be apart so long when he was at work when Jasper and Alice had to be together constantly. Now they knew it was just Jasper's over-protectiveness. Rosalie and Serafina didn't feel that intense clinginess anymore; they knew they were only meant for each other. There were no doubts now.

After a good week of nothing but giving in to their desires at Rosalie's request, it seemed most of her fear was at initiating the action. With Serafina's constant reassurance, she quickly overcame it and was no longer afraid. She was upset with herself for not trusting Serafina sooner. They could have enjoyed themselves months prior.

After completing their bond, they decided to head back to the Cullens. Rosalie couldn't help peeking at Serafina as she packed up her belongings. She had a loving grin as she watched Serafina angrily try to fit some extra dresses in her suitcase. She could see she was annoyed at not being able to fit everything she wanted in it. She loved her so much. The love was much more intense now that the bond was complete. Her grin only grew at the thought.

Serafina felt her gaze and looked up. She thought the smile on Rosalie's face was teasing, and she couldn't help the pout, "Can I put some of my clothes in your suitcase, please?"

Rosalie walked up to her to hug her, "No." She answered.

Serafina's jaw dropped as she jokingly pushed her back but didn't let her go too far, "No, I don't want to hug you right now."

Rosalie grabbed her tightly and laughed, "Then why are you hugging me back," Rosalie grinned.

"Well, I said I didn't want to, not that I wouldn't." Serafina glared, "Why can't I throw some in your suitcase? There's still room in yours." She whined.

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