First One's On Me

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When Olivia finally left the crime lab a little after eight-thirty thoughts of Mikey McCarthy and Susan Tam weighed heavy on her mind. The first thing she saw as she pushed open the main doors to the NYPD was Flack leaning up against his black Denali, arms folded over his chest and a wide grin on his handsome, but tired face.

'There she is, my favorite CSI,' he greeted.

'There are others?' she said, reaching the bottom step and walking over to him.

'One or two,' he shrugged. 'You're the only one that matters.'

She laughed and he pulled her into him. It felt good, the weight of his hands in the small of her back. She could almost feel the pressures of the day just drain away. 'I thought I was meeting you at your place?' she said.

'You were,' he replied. 'I only just got finished myself. Thought I'd wait for you.'

'Nice thought.'

'I get better. Tough day?'

'Like you wouldn't believe,' she sighed. 'How'd it go with Susan Tam?'

'After McCarthy's confession she stands to get her payout.' Flack gave his head a shake. 'But she doesn't want to see him again.'

Susan Tam hadn't dragged her son into this with intention. Which was why she had stuck to the story of her being the one that had pushed her husband down the stairs. Her intention was to keep her ex-con son's name out of it; to protect him. Just like she had wanted to protect her husband's good name; not realising that it had been her son who had drugged her husband and that he had done it to supposedly protect her from the suicidal, manic-depressive man she loved. A family torn apart, when truth be known, there had been no need. None whatsoever. Olivia let go of a deep sigh.

'Hey, c'mon,' urged Flack, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. 'Don't do that.'

Olivia nodded. 'I know. It's just...God...this day.'

'It's over. I say we grab some Chinese food and head back to my place and make out on the sofa like a couple teenagers. Maybe you could spend the night.'

She ran her hands up the lapels of his jacket and shaking off her day, smiled up at him. 'I don't have a toothbrush.'

'You can borrow mine.'

'Or my PJ's.'

'Don't need any,' he said with a grin.

'Ah,' she said arching one eyebrow, 'that kind of sleep-over.'

'My kind of sleep-over.'

She smiled and tugged on his tie, bringing his mouth down so she could kiss him. A taster of what was to come later. When they drew apart, he grinned.

'C'mon,' he said planting a brief kiss against her brow. 'I'm starved. And not just for food.'

Giving her a smile that would have a nun disrobing at his feet, he opened up the car door and she climbed in. Once Flack was in and buckled up, the car pulled away. Neither of them had noticed Mac standing in the lobby of the NYPD entrance, watching as they drove off.

He had just finished up for the day. He was tired and restless and hungry. The tiredness was a part of the job he'd learned to live with, the hunger he could easily rectify, the restless feeling that was a different story altogether.

All afternoon he had been plagued by his thoughts. They hadn't given him any respite. Not only regarding the Brian Wagner case - he and Stella had since discovered the granddaughter had been abused by Alvin Wagner's nephew when she was a child, Wagner had found out the truth, killed him and his granddaughter had been trying to protect him - mainly because of the altercation he'd had with Olivia. He had taken his frustration out on her and she had been upset with him for treating Flack the way he had and she had every right. Because it had been wrong of him. He had seen the two of them together and it was like something had snapped inside of him.

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