Tachi Saya & Thai Food

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Twenty minutes later Flack and Danny were talking to the owner of Tachi Saya while Olivia chatted with a few of the students. They'd walked in during the middle of a class and found the owner of the dojo, Marcus Christian, dressed in the customary white karate suit tied with a black belt, he'd been showing the small group of twelve students the correct way to handle a Katana sword during battle. 

'We understand he'd been coming here two years?' Flack said to Christian; a tall man, not as tall as Flack but almost. His hair was blond, thick and wiry and although he wasn't a particularly muscular man he was certainly strong and athletic looking. 

Marcus Christian nodded his head. 'That's right,' he confirmed. 'Pat was one of my finest students.' 

'How fine?' Danny wondered. 

'The finest I ever had the pleasure to teach. Moments into our first lesson I knew he had the ability to become a great swordsman,' Christian explained. 

'Guy's place was full of awards, he really was good,' Flack told Danny.

'Indeed,' Christian agreed. 'Almost as good as myself.' 

Danny lifted an eyebrow, this guy was confident if anything. 'It was just Katana he was interested in?' he asked. 

'Yes. Although he knew how to handle many swords, Samurai was where his heart lay.' 

'When'd you last see him?' 

Christian thought for a moment and said, 'Our last lesson was Monday night.' 

The night Patrick Maxwell was killed. 

'And what time did that finish up?' asked Danny. 

'Around eight, I think it was.' 

'And most of the students,' Flack said gesturing to the dozen milling around the room, 'were they here too?' 

'A few of them. I teach many different classes. Morning, afternoon, night. Pat was in my night class and a few of the students you see here today participate in more than one session,' explained Christian. 

'Did any of them have a beef with Mr. Maxwell?' asked Danny. 

'Everyone gets along famously in all of my classes.' 

'Not what I asked.' 

Marcus Christian frowned. 'Are you suggesting that Pat was killed by one of my students?' 

'Mr. Maxwell was murdered with a Samurai sword,' said Danny. 'Not many people, unless experienced, would know how to handle one. Could you take hold of yours for me?' 

Another frown split Christian's brow as he looked from Danny to Flack back to Danny. 'What will that prove?' 

Danny crossed his arms over his chest. 'Humor me.' 

'But - ' 

'Humor him,' Flack said. He wasn't sure where Danny was going with it but he obviously had a reason for asking. 

Christian sighed. 'Very well.' He went to the rack where he'd placed his Katana earlier and picked it up. Then looked at both Detectives. 'Anything else?' 

'Wave it around,' Danny suggested. He wanted to see how the man handled the sword. 

'Wave it around?' Christian looked affronted by such a request. 'Detective, one does not wave a Katana. The sword is considered to be the very soul of the Samurai warrior - ' 

'Yeah, that's all very interesting, Mr. Christian, but could you just do as he says?' said Flack. 

The man sighed, clearly agitated, but performed the request. He lifted the sword, sliced through the air a couple of times and then lowered it dramatically to the floor, giving both Flack and Danny a look of distaste as he did. 'Was that meant to be a test of some sort? Because if so, I can tell you now I did not kill Patrick Maxwell.' 

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