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"Fortunately, your mother will make a full recovery. The injury to her hip wasn't as severe as you may have thought." Spoke a doctor with a smooth and calming voice known as Dr. Chaney.

       The daughter of an elderly woman sighed in relief as she patted her mother's hand and placed her own on her chest. "Thank you so much for your work, doctor!"

"You don't have to thank me. It's my pleasure!" He smiled, showing off his pearly white teeth. He adjusted the clipboard in his hands, taking note of how the woman watched him closely. "There were also the matters of your mother's dementia I would like to discuss. We're going to do a change in medication."

     As the two talked, the 25-year-old nurse who was busy taking a blood sample from the elderly woman listened to their conversation and had to fight off the urge to roll her eyes.

      Dr. Chaney wasn't being so subtle with his usual flirting.

      Every time she glanced up, he was a step closer to her patient's daughter and giving her his award-winning smile that all the women seemed to fall for. At least the women who liked arrogant selfish doctors.

       To say he was being unprofessional was an understatement...

"Since taking the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors seem to be ineffective, I'm going to prescribe memantine instead to help with her memory." Dr. Chaney spoke efficiently. "We'll see how it works for her and go from there."

       He pulled out a document to put his signature on and turned to his medical assistant to give her that same smile that held no effect on her. She's seen it a million times before. "Ms. (L/N), would you mind finishing up here for me while I have a chat with Ms. Jameson?"

"Oh, please! Ms. Jameson is my mother. You can call me Ash~."

"Already on it." (Y/N) muttered as she placed a bandage on her patient's arm while Dr. Chaney took the daughter's hand to lead her out of the room. They wouldn't have heard her anyway.

      Once they were out the door, (Y/N) couldn't wait to get to her fellow nurses and spill the news about the doctor's newest victim. But first, she had a patient.

       She finished placing the bandage down and smiled down at the elderly woman who laid in her hospital bed quietly and a bit spaced out from the medications to help with the pain. The poor woman had a nasty fall that fractured her hip but luckily it wasn't too severe.

      (Y/N) took the bottle of Ms. Jameson's medication and looked over the label with the big and bright 'Satellite Pharmaceuticals' logo on it. She frowned a bit since they've been getting a lot of the corporation's drugs and supplies lately. Apparently, it was a partnership her hospital was involved with and from what she's heard from her fellow nurses, it was being backed by the government. It seemed a bit extreme since no mentions of the government were on the partnership deal. But to be fair, she was only a nurse and not one of the bigwigs running the place. Nevertheless, she helped Ms. Jameson finish up her routine medication before putting the bottle away.

"All done! We'll just need to run a few tests to make sure everything is in order, Ms. Jameson. Did you have any questions?" (Y/N) asked in her usual nursing voice.

      But she received no response. Ms. Jameson remained quiet, silently staring at the door ahead.

       Maybe once the medication wore off she'll become more talkative. So (Y/N) made sure the elderly woman was comfortable in her bed before she took her leave and pushed the cart that carried the blood sample and medication with her.

       As she entered the hall, she heard the giggles of the woman named Ash and Dr. Chaney's alluring voice near the end of the hall where the two flirted. He had her hand in his as he softly massaged her knuckles and whispered things to her that (Y/N) hoped she never heard.

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