A kid? WHAT KID?!

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A/N: This is a nice and small colab with my one and only muffin author XD Yo please comment here so people can find you easier XP

I am doing Izuku's *aham* gremlin *aham POV and Muffin here is doing our dear Dandelion Katsuki Bakugo.

Katsuki POV

It was a regular Tuesday night, I was at my desk finishing an English essay that the walking cockatoo gave us for the next day, I glanced at my clock and sighed. It was almost time for me to go to bed. I got up and turned off my light, I got under the covers and closed my eyes, ready to doze off. When someone knocked on my door. I grumbled to myself and got up, I threw open my door roughly and glared at the person, it was Moth-Sensei.

Me: What?

He didn't seem fazed, just sighed and massaged the space between his eyes.

Aizawa: Can you open the door like a normal person for once?

Rolling my eyes, I closed the door and opened it again.

Me: Happy?

Moth-Sensei gave me an unimpressed glare.

Aizawa: Better. Here this call is for you.

Taking the phone, I placed it to my ear.

Me:Whoever this is, do you know the time it is?

???: Is this Bakugo Katsuki?

Stopping for a second, I snarled.

Me: Yeah, who's asking?

???: Ah good. I am sorry for the late call. I wouldn't do that if it wouldn't be the last resort. I am Wiliam Quelle. I am in charge of new kids who lost their family from the kids care center. I am sorry but you were the only person that the kid could actually name besides his dead brother. Can I ask you to take the kid in for a couple of days until we find a stay for him?

I blinked, taking out my phone I checked my messages, my mom sent a single message saying to take the kid.

Me: I don't think I have a choice... where should I pick the brat up?

???: I will send you an sms with the address and the time in a bit. Please make sure to pick him up tomorrow. But just to check and make sure you know the kid. Do you even know anyone with a child, no parents? If so please tell me the name of the child. This is kinda protocol....

Me: I don't know anyone with a child but i have an aunt with two sons. Inko Midoriya, but she passed a while ago.

???: You are right with the name. The child I have with me is Izuku Midoriya. As of yesterday his older brother Inumaki Midoriya died. My condolence.

My eyes widened, my hands got clammy and my breathing got heavier.

Me: He died?... how? If you don't mind me asking...

???: I don't have all the details but from what I know his younger brother found him on the streets. We may suspect they were robbed and the young child witnessed everything. He refused to tell us any details or anything at all. In fact he doesn't want to talk with us and he had this number with him as emergency number noted down.

I nodded, even if he couldn't see it. I took a deep breath and frowned.

Me: Noted, I'll come by tomorrow... one more question though. Does the kid have anything I should pick up or buy?

???: We don't know how to get into his house. We are stil trying to figure that one out. On another note if you know where he lives, then the fire fighters may break down the door and he can pack up everything he needs. For now he just has a bag and you would need to buy everything else. One of my coworkers will check the child's safety and condition from time to time to make sure he is safe with you.

Me: Alright. That's all from me. Is there anything else I have to do before I hang up?

???: No Sir. Everything else will be taken care of tomorrow. Once again I am sorry for calling at this hour. We are just at the end of our wits right now. Have a great and restful night.

Me: It's fine, good night and I'll see you tomorrow.

???: Thank you, see you tomorrow as well.

After hanging up I groaned and handed the phone back to Moth-Sensei. He raised an eyebrow at my tired, slouched posture.

Me: What?

He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest before he started to speak once more.

Aizawa: What happened?

Me: First of all, wipe that smirk off your face and second, I'm now the legal guardian on a child... I wouldn't normally tell people my business but as my teacher there's an obligation.

A huff of laughter escapes his mouth, I scowled and clenched my fists tightly.

Me: What's so funny?

Aizawa: You and a child? How old is the child?

Thinking on it my eyes widened.

Me: To be honest, I don't know, last time I spoke to his mother he was a newborn

Aizawa: Idiot, you will have such a great time... hahaha

I flipped him off and turn around to close my door. Looking back once more I yawned.

Me: You're driving me to the center tomorrow, I can't drive and you're the only adult I can trust. My parents are out of the picture because they're on vacation.

Aizawa's smirk fell and he groaned.

Aizawa: Don't bring the kid to class. I am warning you.

Me: What if he's like seven? WHat then, I doubt you'd want a child as young as that alone.

Aizawa: Your problem not mine. Also you need permission from Nezu to keep a child here.

That elicited an eyebrow raise from me.

Me: I bet if I bring this by Nezu he'd agree... Now go away, I'm tired.

He rolled his eyes and walked away waving to me as he went.

Aizawa: Ama give you a piece of my mind if you don't talk politely to me. I am fucking tired as hell and got woken up because of this. No need to tell me off problem child.

I laughed and closed my door, going to my bed once more, checking my messages and saw the address.

Does this technically make me a father now?

I fell asleep a while later.

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