Chapter 69

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Hawks' POV

And with that said, the kid launched himself towards All for One... in fact everyone could see how weak All Might was getting... should i get some popcorn?? I know this battle is going to be epic!

Dabi: "Hey Keigo!"

Hawks: "Yes, Touya?"

Dabi: "Where are you going?"

Hawks: "Just to get some popcorn... i think the battle for us is over, right?"

Dabi: "Even though we defeated my shitty father, it doesn't mean that this is the end for us! I hate to admit that, but we need to help All for One out... Deku will defeat him in no time"

Hawks: "Say that to Shigaraki's face... he's surely turning you into Dabi Dust"

Dabi: "He doesn't have the balls to do that"

Shigaraki: "Oh yes i do..."

We both turned around and glanced at Shigaraki, who was stabbing Dabi with his own eyes.

Dabi: "How the fuck did you come over here?"

Shigaraki: "Simple, Father asked me to gather as many villains as i could, so i reached your location... and i couldn't help but listen to your little conversation..."

Dabi: "It was a private one..."

Shigaraki: "Since i heard you both, guess it wasn't that private"

Hawks: "Alright alright! Let's just stop with the bickering people! So, Shigaraki, what's the plan?"

Shigaraki: "Some of us need to detain Izuku Midoriya... i analyzed him well enough and i'm sure that All Might has given him his quirk called One for All, he was well trained and i believe that his power is bigger than All Might's. Secondly, one group will attack All Might and wait until his power is completely dissolved"

Hawks: "Sounds good to me"

Dabis' POV

Shigaraki: "Ok so the groups are simple: Toga, Dabi and Twice will go against Midoriya, the others against All Might"

Dabi: "I object"

Shigaraki: "Give me a good reason Dabi"

Dabi: "I don't want Hawks to fight against All Might, even though he's getting weaker... he has been classified as the number 1 hero and there's a good reason for that... his quirk and fighting skills are the best in the world and Hawks has been injured during the battle... his wings aren't at their full potential and i'm afraid that it won't end well for him..."

Hawks: "Hey Touya look at me..."

I felt two hands grabbing both of my cheeks and turning my head towards another direction

Hawks: "I know that you're scared that i'll get hurt, but trust me, i've been through worse, don't you forget that got it?"

Dabi: "The thing is... it's not that i don't trust you... i'm just afraid to lose you birdie..."

Hawks: "Aww, since when-"

Dabi: "I swear, if you add a cocky comment, i'm throwing you off this cliff"

Hawks: "Romantic as always... i'm sure you won't do that cause you confessed that you loved me!"

Dabi: "Of course i love you... but sometimes you're way too cocky that i just..."

Hawks: "That you just?"

This birdie is making me go crazy...

Dabi: "Trust me, you don't wanna find out"

Hawks: "Too bad for me that i'm way too curious..."

He put his arms around my neck and brought our faces closer to each other

Dabi: "Did anyone tell you that curiosity killed the cat?"

Hawks: "I'm a bird, so there is nothing to worry about"

Dabi: "God you're such a tease..."

I grabbed his chin and pulled him even closer

Dabi: *whispering* "Listen, do you want me to wreck the shit out of you right here and right now?"

Hawks: *whispering* "I wish you could do that but we have a hero to defeat"

Toga: "You know, guys, that i carry my journal with me everywhere... and this episode is going to be written into it right now"

Dabi: "Toga, what did i tell you about others' privacy?"

Toga: "As if you didn't stalk the Todoroki family for the past 10 years"

Dabi: "It was for personal purposes"

Toga: "This journal of mine is also for personal purposes!"

Shigaraki: "Ok everyone, are we finished? Good now, just like i told you, let's split up!"

Dabi: *kisses Hawks' cheek* "Good luck birdie"

Hawks: *pecks Dabi's lips* "Good luck to you too burnt toast"

Author's space:
This is the 69th chapter, i hope you liked it! Thank you for your views, votes and comments! Have a nice day readers!
*Guess who's back, back again....* and yes, i've finished all of my exams and i have officially finished high school, and today i have, in fact, signed up into a course of engineering university!! I'm so happy :))

- 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 - a dabihawks ffWhere stories live. Discover now