Chapter 53

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Hawks' POV

Once Endeavour threw me over his shoulder, i ended up fainting right on that spot... i didn't feel quite good, burning my wings was a terrible idea...

I suddenly woke up and found myself laying on an hospital bed. I had all kinds of medical tubes attached to my arms and legs and now, my burnt wings were covered in bandages.
I looked around the room and my eye caught a window which displayed a very funny scenery... Miruko was arguing with Endeavour. 
I'm not hearing what they're saying, but knowing her, she's probably scolding him because of what he did to my quirk.
A nurse approached the both of them and pointed at me... they were so focused on their little argument that they didn't even notice me waking up!


Hawks: "Of course i am, why wouldn't i be?"

Miruko: "Maybe because you stayed with a bunch of villains for over 2 months and then SOMEONE burnt your wonderful wings"

Hawks: "Don't make it such a big deal, i'm still back in one piece and anyway, i personally asked Endeavour to do so."

Miruko: "Let me tell ya somethin' buddy, you're such a fucking masochist"

Hawks: "HEY!! He needed to make the villains believe i was in serious danger... there was no other way"

Miruko: "Fine. I'll let it slide this time... hey Endeavour, could you leave me and the birdie alone?"

Endeavour: "Sure, you must want to catch up after 2 months"


Hawks: "Ladies first"

Miruko: "It didn't really happen anything. I mean, it was fun and all, but not as entertaining as being a villain. So, what did you do?"

Hawks: "I can't get through all of it, what do you want to know?"

Miruko: "Something that might have changed your life!"

Hawks: "Do you really want to know?"

Miruko: "Spill the tea darling"

Hawks: "I... fell in love with someone"



Miruko: "WITH A VILLAI-"

Jesus Christ, i knew she was going to freak the hell out

Hawks: "SHHHHH, someone might hear you! And yes, i did"

Miruko: "Alright, i need to process a few things... what's her name?"

Hawks: "His name is Dabi..."

Miruko: "Ooohhh, yes i know him, he's the scar guy right?"

Hawks: "Yes, so?"

Miruko: "So, does he know about the whole secret agent situation?"

Hawks: "Yes, he does..."

Miruko: "Well, even though i'm still trying to understand everything and you're dating a villain, i'm glad you're happy Keigo... you deserve it"

Hawks: "Thanks, i love you Miruko"

Miruko: "I love you too bitch...."




Miruko: "So.... have you two already done the deed?"

Hawks: "MIRUKO STOP! You're acting like Toga!"

MIruko: "Well, if she is as crazy as i am, can i meet her? We can talk about you two guys, and she'll sure update me more on your relationship than you'll do"

Hawks: "I don't approve that"

Author's space:

This is the 53rd chapter, i hope you liked it! Thank you for your views, votes and comments! Have a nice day readers!

- 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 - a dabihawks ffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon