Chapter 47

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Hawks' POV

What is he going to tell me? He seems pretty nervous...

Hawks: "Dabi... i can see you're pretty nervous right now... you can tell me another time don't worry..."

Dabi: "No! I want to tell you this now!... i'm sorry, i shouldn't have yelled at you..."

Hawks: "Dabi, judging by your reaction, this thing that you have to tell me bothers you a lot... i'm all ears, speak your mind"

Dabi: "Basically... i'm going to expose Endeavour..."

Hawks: "Wait you're- what?!"

Dabi: "Yeah..."

Hawks: "Tell me the whole plan..."

Dabi: "The rest of the league is going to help too... they'll send a video of me on live tv where i expose my father and... me, so the whole world will know what he really did to his family!"

Hawks: "But once he'll see this video.. he'll come looking for you..."

Dabi: "That's my aim! I'm going to face him once and for all!"

Hawks: "How do you think your siblings and mother would react?"

Dabi: "My mom already knows about me.. and she's actually supportive... i don't know about my siblings... i'm particularly concerned about Shouto... he might get shocked pretty badly... the thing is... will you join me?"

Hawks: "What?"

Dabi: "Listen Hawks, i know you're a soon to be hero... but we both have the same ideals... even if you become one of the greatest heroes... you won't change the hero society..."

Hawks: "... i don't know what to say..."

Dabi: "Hey.. it's ok if you don't want to join, then please keep this as a secret between you and me..."

Dabi gets up and is about to leave...

Hawks: "Wait Touya!!.... i'll join you..."

Dabi: "Are you sure? You know you're betraying the whole hero society?"

Hawks: "And i'm doing it just for you..."

Dabi's POV

He shouldn't have said that...

Dabi: "But i don't want to force a decision this important..."

Hawks: "Touya... you're forcing nothing... i've been thinking for a while about quitting my job as a double agent... and i said i would've joined you gladly..."

Dabi: "You're the best..."

Hawks: "I know i am! Now, do you want to tell the big news to the others?"

Dabi: "Alright..."

Twice: "Why are we here?! I've got better things to do!"

Hawks: "Dabi wants to tell you something..."

Toga: "Is it an update of your relationship? Do i need to take my journal?"

Dabi: "NO! Toga, listen up. Shigaraki gave me the permission to organize our next attack... but i need everybody's cooperation..."

Everybody: "I'm in!"

Dabi: "I've been hiding a secret from you for a long time..."

Mr. Compress: "Tell us more Dabi"

Dabi: "I'm actually... Endeavour's lost child..."

Everyone: *le gasp*

Dabi: "And the plan is about exposing that shitty father of mine..."

Mustard: "Hell yeah!!"

Dabi: "You are all in?"

Toga: "Of course! You're a member of this weird family and we will always support you..."

Twice: "Now... TELL US THE DETAILS!!"

Author's space:

This is the 47th chapter, i hope you liked it! You guys are the best, we've reached 50k views!! I didn't expect this book to be this popular!! I love you all so much!! Thank you for your views, votes and comments! Have a nice day readers!

- 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 - a dabihawks ffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora