33. Sneaky

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"They think Stannis will be by weeks end." Draco remarked as they ate their mid day meal by the water. Arya shoved the last bit of sandwich in her mouth. 

"Are they ready?" Arya questioned through a mouth full. 

"I dont know, I hope so. They dont want me getting any ideas. Mum has a plan, her and Davina are working on it." 

"Maybe we could help." Arya suggested. 

"We have to be sneaky." Draco countered. 

"I can be sneaky." Arya agreed. 

"There must be twenty miles of tunnels beneath the city." Tywin remarked as he walked with Avalon and Davina.

"Closer to fifty. My ancestors built this city to withstand a siege and to provide escape if necessary." Avalon agreed. "What good it did them over the years though." she murmured. 

"I'm not escaping." Davina remarked. "This is our home." Tywin smiled back at her, his brave girl. "I'm the captain of the ship, and if the ship goes down, I go with her." 

"You are not going down my love." Avalon assured. 

"Going down? What are they planning?" Draco whisper shouted as he crouched beside Arya. 

"Did you find out what they are doing with the wildfire?" Arya questioned. 

"No, they are being really secretive about it." Draco grumbled. 

"Though I'm sure many captains say the same while their ship is afloat." Davina added sheepishly. 

"You are not going down, we are winning this." Tywin declared. 

"Any news on Stannis?" 

"Should be here by weeks end, it is rumor no more, that Stannis Baratheon has taken up with a red priestess from Asshai." Avalon remarked stiffly. 

"What of it?" Davina countered.

"You don't believe in the old powers, my dear?" Avalon questioned. 

"Blood spells, curses, shape-shifting. What do you think?" Tywin agreed as Davina bumped her hip into him. 

"I think you both believe in what you see and in what those you trust have seen. You dont like what you can't explain, you know Tyrion was like that too." Avalon remarked. 

"We will find him." Tywin assured. 

"Dark arts, its not just folktales." Arya declared. Avalon spun around. "They are using magic, we are screwed!" 

"Thank you for the vote of confidence, Arya." Avalon remarked. Arya smiled sheepishly as she stood up pulling Draco up with her. 

"I dont want to get in troub- Hello mum. Didnt see you there." Draco offered. 

"You two are going to be trouble for me." Tywin remarked. 

"I'm sorry, we just really want to help." Draco declared. 

"When Stannis gets here, I want you two nowhere near the fighting, no lurking." Avalon declared. "I dont want you getting hurt. I need you two looking out for your sisters."

"Yes mum." Draco groaned out. 

"Baby its going to be dangerous," Avalon reminded him touching his cheek. 

"I know which is why you need me!" Draco declared. 

"When you are older, right now I need you to do the biggest job and protect our family from inside the castle." Avalon remarked. 

"Fine." Draco grumbled. 

"Thank you baby." Avalon said kissing his forehead. "Arya?"

"Yeah, I will stay inside the castle too." Arya agreed kicking at a rock. 

"You will get your chance to be a warrior." Avalon assured. "The both of you. I promise. You just have to listen to me." 

"I'm listening to you." Draco agreed grabbing Arya's hand squinting into the sun as it descended past the clouds and hills. "I'm listening and heading inside right now." 

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